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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2009
2 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. At constant 2006-prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs1 934 732 947 510 246 500 225 742 238 363 240 297 243 107 221 057 233 103
Household final consumption expenditure 898 292 909 843 237 442 216 227 228 788 231 025 233 802 211 397 223 241
Goods 472 644 471 758 130 852 110 796 118 380 116 117 126 465 106 200 113 799
Services 393 166 400 380 100 297 96 130 100 871 102 378 101 001 97 428 101 577
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 57 847 62 527 12 287 14 323 16 661 19 528 12 015 12 003 13 905
Direct purchases by non-residents -25 365 -24 821 -5 994 -5 021 -7 124 -6 997 -5 678 -4 233 -6 040
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 36 440 37 666 9 058 9 515 9 575 9 272 9 305 9 660 9 861
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen 427 109 443 390 109 097 108 315 112 432 109 309 113 334 116 393 114 038
Final consumption expenditure of central governm 220 794 227 408 55 753 55 270 57 198 57 309 57 631 58 871 59 027
Central government, civilian 190 923 196 481 48 137 47 720 49 422 49 722 49 618 50 363 50 569
Central government, defence 29 870 30 927 7 616 7 550 7 776 7 587 8 014 8 508 8 458
Final consumption expenditure of local governmen 206 316 215 982 53 343 53 045 55 234 52 000 55 703 57 523 55 011
Gross fixed capital formation 459 610 477 576 127 769 113 482 117 534 119 913 126 647 109 878 112 775
Extraction and transport via pipelines 100 726 107 417 27 078 23 738 25 969 28 436 29 275 28 971 29 111
Services activities incidential to extraction 938 -39 45 90 58 -120 -67 -97 13
Ocean transport 20 767 24 860 4 051 6 262 5 759 6 337 6 502 4 146 4 967
Mainland Norway 337 180 345 338 96 594 83 392 85 748 85 261 90 937 76 858 78 684
Mainland Norway) excluding general government. 270 862 275 160 74 494 68 528 69 743 66 150 70 739 61 295 61 087
Industries 175 663 187 656 50 551 45 140 47 556 45 425 49 534 40 674 42 326
Manufacturing and mining 30 584 34 225 11 014 6 634 8 530 8 287 10 774 5 815 6 744
Production of other goods 29 198 32 112 8 027 6 896 8 857 8 207 8 153 6 045 7 942
Other services 115 881 121 318 31 510 31 611 30 170 28 931 30 607 28 815 27 640
Dwelling service (households) 95 199 87 505 23 942 23 388 22 187 20 724 21 206 20 620 18 761
General government 66 318 70 178 22 100 14 863 16 005 19 111 20 198 15 564 17 597
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 36 585 51 748 15 538 14 901 14 355 10 576 11 916 12 776 -3 377
Gross capital formation 496 196 529 324 143 306 128 383 131 889 130 489 138 563 122 655 109 398
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 858 038 1 920 224 498 903 462 440 482 684 480 095 495 005 460 105 456 539
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes i 1 699 022 1 736 238 452 191 417 449 436 543 434 867 447 379 414 309 425 824
Final demand from general government 493 427 513 568 131 197 123 179 128 437 128 420 133 532 131 957 131 635
Total exports 1 027 757 1 041 971 269 661 265 103 261 106 244 224 271 537 252 500 234 944
Traditional goods 295 052 309 197 81 275 76 347 79 056 74 263 79 532 69 505 67 148
Crude oil and natural gas 485 321 477 994 123 315 128 244 117 044 106 204 126 502 125 041 107 982
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 11 920 13 385 2 372 2 363 3 172 4 396 3 455 4 439 2 395
Services 235 465 241 395 62 700 58 150 61 835 59 361 62 049 53 515 57 418
Total use of goods and services 2 885 795 2 962 194 768 565 727 544 743 790 724 319 766 542 712 605 691 483
Total imports 658 538 687 451 176 308 164 533 176 686 176 197 170 034 143 428 151 431
Traditional goods 434 511 446 054 116 244 110 186 116 252 108 581 111 035 96 281 97 562
Crude oil and natural gas 5 397 3 235 1 629 558 708 590 1 379 594 717
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 19 847 29 757 7 739 6 683 7 041 9 454 6 580 4 611 5 648
Services 198 784 208 404 50 695 47 106 52 686 57 572 51 040 41 942 47 504
Gross domestic product2 2 227 256 2 274 744 592 257 563 010 567 104 548 122 596 508 569 177 540 052
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market val 1 676 943 1 719 891 447 373 418 039 432 813 420 348 448 692 421 338 411 152
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 550 313 554 853 144 884 144 971 134 291 127 774 147 816 147 839 128 900
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 421 656 1 465 989 379 764 356 875 368 200 357 060 383 855 363 532 349 584
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 117 656 1 151 699 301 924 280 114 287 894 280 109 303 581 282 095 271 951
Manufacturing and mining 206 270 212 223 54 098 52 717 56 071 49 746 53 690 52 633 48 467
Production of other goods 174 376 178 040 46 730 45 642 40 475 44 916 47 007 45 044 35 360
Service activities 737 010 761 436 201 096 181 756 191 349 185 447 202 884 184 418 188 124
General government 304 000 314 290 77 840 76 761 80 306 76 950 80 273 81 438 77 634
Taxes and subsidies products 255 287 253 902 67 608 61 164 64 613 63 288 64 838 57 806 61 568