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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2009
6 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted figures. At constant 2006-prices. Million kroner(3)
  2007 2008 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs1 934 732 947 510 238 187 238 903 237 991 235 841 234 129 233 137 234 530
Household final consumption expenditure 898 292 909 843 228 982 229 605 228 542 226 420 224 659 223 603 224 882
Goods 472 644 471 758 120 365 119 647 118 989 117 016 115 369 114 423 115 798
Services 393 166 400 380 99 703 99 723 100 071 100 155 100 402 100 839 101 202
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 57 847 62 527 15 405 16 668 15 873 15 196 14 974 13 806 13 297
Direct purchases by non-residents -25 365 -24 821 -6 491 -6 434 -6 390 -5 947 -6 087 -5 466 -5 414
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 36 440 37 666 9 205 9 299 9 449 9 421 9 471 9 534 9 648
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen 427 109 443 390 108 307 109 363 110 047 111 187 112 748 114 304 116 567
Final consumption expenditure of central governm 220 794 227 408 55 688 56 183 56 504 56 894 57 813 58 594 60 263
Central government, civilian 190 923 196 481 48 164 48 563 48 844 49 199 49 860 50 183 51 670
Central government, defence 29 870 30 927 7 525 7 619 7 660 7 695 7 953 8 411 8 594
Final consumption expenditure of local governmen 206 316 215 982 52 618 53 180 53 543 54 293 54 935 55 711 56 303
Gross fixed capital formation 459 610 477 576 121 594 118 108 118 559 120 109 120 295 114 339 114 502
Extraction and transport via pipelines 100 726 107 417 26 122 25 966 26 184 26 923 28 315 31 207 29 410
Services activities incidential to extraction 938 -39 45 90 58 -120 -67 -97 13
Ocean transport 20 767 24 860 3 742 6 275 6 030 6 243 6 354 4 116 5 270
Mainland Norway 337 180 345 338 91 684 85 777 86 287 87 063 85 694 79 113 79 810
Mainland Norway) excluding general government. 270 862 275 160 71 257 69 768 69 752 67 809 67 446 62 193 61 718
Industries 175 663 187 656 47 831 47 066 47 513 45 946 46 794 42 218 42 686
Manufacturing and mining 30 584 34 225 9 450 7 940 8 682 8 354 9 249 6 980 6 892
Production of other goods 29 198 32 112 7 186 8 148 8 430 8 242 7 287 7 140 7 721
Other services 115 881 121 318 31 194 30 978 30 401 29 349 30 258 28 097 28 072
Dwelling service (households) 95 199 87 505 23 426 22 702 22 239 21 863 20 653 19 975 19 032
General government 66 318 70 178 20 427 16 009 16 536 19 254 18 248 16 920 18 092
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 36 585 51 748 10 727 13 876 14 495 17 351 6 118 4 595 4 041
Gross capital formation 496 196 529 324 132 321 131 984 133 054 137 460 126 413 118 934 118 543
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 858 038 1 920 224 478 814 480 250 481 092 484 489 473 290 466 375 469 640
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes i 1 699 022 1 736 238 438 177 434 043 434 325 434 091 432 571 426 554 430 906
Final demand from general government 493 427 513 568 128 733 125 372 126 583 130 441 130 996 131 224 134 659
Total exports 1 027 757 1 041 971 260 017 261 820 262 738 255 154 261 185 246 481 239 277
Traditional goods 295 052 309 197 77 131 77 632 78 006 78 006 75 411 68 611 68 500
Crude oil and natural gas 485 321 477 994 118 968 120 930 120 878 113 796 121 588 117 421 111 876
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 11 920 13 385 2 372 2 363 3 172 4 396 3 455 4 439 2 395
Services 235 465 241 395 61 546 60 895 60 682 58 957 60 730 56 010 56 506
Total use of goods and services 2 885 795 2 962 194 738 831 742 070 743 830 739 643 734 475 712 856 708 917
Total imports 658 538 687 451 173 172 174 318 172 767 173 627 166 090 148 948 152 217
Traditional goods 434 511 446 054 111 560 115 086 113 042 111 642 105 870 97 473 98 619
Crude oil and natural gas 5 397 3 235 1 616 548 701 652 1 339 586 703
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 19 847 29 757 7 739 6 683 7 041 9 454 6 580 4 611 5 648
Services 198 784 208 404 52 257 52 001 51 983 51 879 52 302 46 277 47 247
Gross domestic product2 2 227 256 2 274 744 565 659 567 752 571 063 566 015 568 385 563 908 556 700
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market val 1 676 943 1 719 891 427 022 428 738 431 174 431 572 427 135 421 650 423 011
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 550 313 554 853 138 637 139 014 139 889 134 444 141 250 142 258 133 689
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 421 656 1 465 989 362 442 364 418 366 422 368 826 365 600 360 366 361 207
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 117 656 1 151 699 285 640 286 318 288 762 289 842 286 269 280 885 281 048
Manufacturing and mining 206 270 212 223 52 445 52 383 54 414 53 479 51 975 50 008 49 278
Production of other goods 174 376 178 040 43 691 43 957 44 749 45 554 43 886 42 219 40 664
Service activities 737 010 761 436 189 504 189 978 189 599 190 810 190 409 188 659 191 107
General government 304 000 314 290 76 802 78 100 77 660 78 983 79 331 79 480 80 158
Taxes and subsidies products 255 287 253 902 64 580 64 321 64 752 62 746 61 534 61 284 61 805