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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2009
28 Final consumption expenditure of households. At current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2
Final consumption expenditure of                  
households 903 823 950 469 241 344 222 450 237 190 242 144 248 685 224 701 239 906
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 115 522 124 124 30 876 28 512 31 272 31 562 32 778 29 614 32 968
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 35 265 38 091 9 543 8 464 9 744 9 607 10 276 8 719 10 047
Clothing and footwear 49 638 50 499 14 894 10 359 12 784 12 424 14 933 10 998 13 604
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 167 973 180 402 45 397 46 473 42 411 42 978 48 539 48 562 44 154
Furnishings, household equipment 55 001 56 097 15 947 12 717 13 521 14 177 15 682 12 379 13 068
Health 25 062 26 711 6 632 6 266 6 789 6 631 7 025 6 718 7 014
Transport 133 961 131 477 33 714 31 754 35 244 33 710 30 769 27 150 32 122
Communication 25 576 25 319 6 981 6 069 6 164 6 329 6 756 6 136 6 183
Recreation and culture 115 622 118 486 31 751 26 546 29 111 31 018 31 810 27 171 29 938
Education 4 139 4 430 1 124 1 114 1 108 1 015 1 193 1 261 1 113
Restaurants and hotels 53 122 56 479 13 692 12 301 14 763 15 563 13 853 12 392 14 808
Miscellaneous goods and services 91 690 99 606 24 933 22 673 24 858 24 414 27 660 25 017 26 289
Direct purchases abroad by resident                  
households 57 354 65 435 12 103 14 502 17 070 20 320 13 544 13 166 15 263
Direct purchases in Norway by non-                  
resident households -26 103 -26 688 -6 243 -5 299 -7 650 -7 605 -6 134 -4 582 -6 663
Goods 1 469 976 485 232 131 857 112 660 120 830 120 024 131 718 109 996 119 361
Services 1 402 596 426 489 103 627 100 588 106 940 109 405 109 557 106 120 111 945
Dwellings 135 834 141 484 34 601 34 468 35 167 35 774 36 076 36 218 36 885
Other services 266 762 285 005 69 026 66 120 71 773 73 631 73 481 69 902 75 060