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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2009
29 Final consumption expenditure of households. At constant 2006-prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2
Final consumption expenditure of                  
households 898 292 909 843 237 442 216 227 228 788 231 025 233 802 211 397 223 241
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 112 387 115 885 29 911 27 205 29 288 29 133 30 258 26 834 29 448
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 34 728 36 081 9 374 8 104 9 296 9 040 9 640 7 913 9 083
Clothing and footwear 52 241 55 290 15 257 11 443 13 553 14 047 16 246 12 807 15 010
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 171 558 172 910 45 005 44 970 41 920 41 046 44 975 45 562 41 694
Furnishings, household equipment 53 868 53 231 15 464 12 265 12 831 13 457 14 677 11 448 11 910
Health 24 414 25 137 6 415 5 931 6 412 6 217 6 576 6 172 6 406
Transport 130 795 122 492 32 644 30 039 33 027 30 857 28 570 25 260 29 280
Communication 26 574 27 650 7 515 6 742 6 750 6 621 7 538 7 010 7 084
Recreation and culture 115 081 116 509 31 547 26 309 28 716 30 357 31 126 26 339 28 623
Education 4 049 4 213 1 089 1 079 1 068 963 1 103 1 165 1 023
Restaurants and hotels 50 909 51 522 12 906 11 429 13 506 14 148 12 438 11 022 13 054
Miscellaneous goods and services 89 205 91 220 24 023 21 409 22 884 22 608 24 319 22 094 22 762
Direct purchases abroad by resident                  
households 57 847 62 527 12 287 14 323 16 661 19 528 12 015 12 003 13 905
Direct purchases in Norway by non-                  
resident households -25 365 -24 821 -5 994 -5 021 -7 124 -6 997 -5 678 -4 233 -6 040
Goods 1 472 644 471 758 130 852 110 796 118 380 116 117 126 465 106 200 113 799
Services 1 393 166 400 380 100 297 96 130 100 871 102 378 101 001 97 428 101 577
Dwellings 133 666 135 545 33 786 33 386 33 779 34 132 34 250 33 882 34 245
Other services 259 500 264 835 66 512 62 744 67 093 68 246 66 752 63 546 67 332