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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2009
32 Final consumption of households. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2006-prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2
Final consumption expenditure of                  
households 898 292 909 843 228 982 229 605 228 542 226 420 224 659 223 603 224 882
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 112 387 115 885 28 648 28 672 29 036 28 997 28 923 28 843 28 977
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, etc 34 728 36 081 8 848 8 880 9 160 9 017 9 005 8 950 8 791
Clothing and footwear 52 241 55 290 13 394 13 329 13 471 13 980 14 216 14 575 15 392
Housing, water, electricity, fuels 171 558 172 910 43 406 43 031 43 229 43 315 43 390 43 362 43 161
Furnishings, household equipment 53 868 53 231 13 583 13 568 13 516 13 277 12 867 12 583 12 722
Health 24 414 25 137 6 153 6 213 6 299 6 289 6 303 6 449 6 334
Transport 130 795 122 492 33 045 32 913 31 116 29 756 28 687 27 361 28 114
Communication 26 574 27 650 6 991 6 904 7 014 6 752 7 023 7 168 7 346
Recreation and culture 115 081 116 509 29 206 29 171 29 430 28 940 28 761 29 292 29 562
Education 4 049 4 213 1 039 1 025 1 101 1 040 1 046 1 110 1 054
Restaurants and hotels 50 909 51 522 12 965 13 134 13 047 12 871 12 521 12 633 12 598
Miscellaneous goods and services 89 205 91 220 22 788 22 531 22 639 22 938 23 027 22 937 22 948
Direct purchases abroad by resident                  
households 57 847 62 527 15 405 16 668 15 873 15 196 14 974 13 806 13 297
Direct purchases in Norway by non-                  
resident households -25 365 -24 821 -6 491 -6 434 -6 390 -5 947 -6 087 -5 466 -5 414
Goods 1 472 644 471 758 120 365 119 647 118 989 117 016 115 369 114 423 115 798
Services 1 393 166 400 380 99 703 99 723 100 071 100 155 100 402 100 839 101 202
Dwellings 133 666 135 545 33 614 33 714 33 799 33 951 34 073 34 175 34 315
Other services 259 500 264 835 66 089 66 009 66 272 66 205 66 330 66 664 66 887