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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2009
35 Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At constant 2006-prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2
Gross fixed capital formation 459 610 477 576 127 769 113 482 117 534 119 913 126 647 109 878 112 775
Building and construction 233 151 231 006 62 379 57 034 57 072 55 845 61 055 53 854 51 774
Oil exploration, drilling, pipelines for oil and g 49 544 52 298 13 071 10 964 12 258 14 769 14 307 14 750 13 256
Oil platforms etc 41 883 51 251 12 966 12 210 12 836 12 609 13 596 13 142 14 430
Ships and boats 26 665 32 000 8 174 7 643 6 645 10 308 7 404 4 797 5 869
Other transport equipment 17 692 17 566 4 785 4 785 4 884 3 802 4 095 2 674 4 070
Machinery and equipment 90 675 93 455 26 393 20 847 23 838 22 579 26 191 20 662 23 377
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 6 716 6 737 1 518 1 176 2 085 1 971 1 503 1 137 2 008
Fishing and fish farming 2 127 3 284 618 1 224 686 771 604 549 564
Oil and gas extraction including services 98 822 105 781 26 861 23 445 25 500 27 808 29 028 28 843 28 910
Oil and gas extraction 97 885 105 821 26 816 23 355 25 442 27 928 29 095 28 940 28 897
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 938 -39 45 90 58 -120 -67 -97 13
Mining and quarrying 768 1 073 352 262 272 275 263 523 826
Manufacturing 29 816 33 152 10 662 6 371 8 258 8 012 10 511 5 292 5 918
Food products, beverages and tobacco 4 108 5 671 1 406 1 150 1 391 1 221 1 909 1 140 1 199
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 244 167 73 72 46 19 30 45 43
Wood and wood products 1 172 1 495 338 224 383 387 501 214 363
Pulp, paper and paper products 899 600 255 106 118 127 248 46 59
Publishing, printing, reproduction 1 116 1 268 347 306 336 329 297 306 169
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 4 968 5 289 1 477 1 072 1 045 1 344 1 829 1 043 963
Basic chemicals 4 085 6 657 1 739 1 075 1 938 1 846 1 798 944 722
Basic metals 2 712 2 896 1 004 457 800 684 954 320 456
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 7 130 5 975 2 533 1 339 1 559 1 434 1 642 897 1 012
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 2 128 2 005 1 119 352 351 397 906 193 279
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 1 253 1 131 371 218 290 224 398 145 653
Electricity and gas supply 10 823 12 257 3 567 2 034 3 336 3 114 3 773 2 098 3 126
Water supply 2 139 2 218 621 400 477 600 741 480 521
Construction 9 532 9 834 2 324 2 462 2 750 2 350 2 272 2 261 2 244
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 15 184 16 062 4 279 4 023 3 982 3 680 4 378 3 641 3 441
Hotels and restaurants 2 152 2 531 598 595 590 616 730 730 780
Transport via pipelines 2 842 1 597 262 383 526 507 180 31 214
Ocean transport 20 767 24 860 4 051 6 262 5 759 6 337 6 502 4 146 4 967
Other transport industries 15 555 16 378 4 185 4 567 4 084 3 947 3 779 3 817 4 610
Post and telecommunications 4 408 3 510 1 066 934 819 885 872 747 693
Financial intermediation 9 021 8 882 2 252 2 287 2 263 2 190 2 142 2 103 2 033
Dwellings (households) 95 199 87 505 23 942 23 388 22 187 20 724 21 206 20 620 18 761
Business services 59 892 63 777 16 508 16 597 15 866 15 123 16 191 15 434 13 881
Public administration and defence 30 218 34 439 10 617 6 823 7 428 10 951 9 238 7 402 9 096
Education 13 057 13 222 4 074 3 062 2 722 3 405 4 033 3 093 3 125
Health and social work 17 616 16 629 5 527 3 656 4 384 3 721 4 869 3 260 3 255
Other social and personal services 12 956 13 848 3 883 3 530 3 559 2 925 3 834 3 671 3 801
Mainland Norway 337 180 345 338 96 594 83 392 85 748 85 261 90 937 76 858 78 684
General government 66 318 70 178 22 100 14 863 16 005 19 111 20 198 15 564 17 597
Central government 32 911 34 571 12 242 6 756 7 474 10 880 9 461 7 161 7 580
Civilian central government 25 788 26 924 7 905 5 743 6 454 6 530 8 197 5 992 6 353
Defence 7 124 7 647 4 337 1 013 1 021 4 350 1 264 1 169 1 226
Local government 33 407 35 607 9 859 8 107 8 531 8 232 10 737 8 402 10 017