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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2009
6 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted figures. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner(3)
  2007 2008 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs1 940 067 951 832 240 742 239 138 236 716 234 676 234 004 236 522 239 067
Household final consumption expenditure 902 939 913 602 231 234 229 508 227 171 225 152 224 294 226 726 229 166
Goods 468 464 467 414 118 886 118 185 115 553 114 063 113 125 114 951 117 155
Services 404 901 413 072 102 969 103 127 103 451 103 506 103 329 104 021 104 421
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 56 083 59 614 16 113 14 947 14 509 14 287 13 938 13 820 13 633
Direct purchases by non-residents -26 509 -26 499 -6 735 -6 750 -6 342 -6 704 -6 099 -6 066 -6 043
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 37 128 38 230 9 508 9 629 9 545 9 524 9 710 9 796 9 901
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen 446 547 464 633 114 625 115 605 116 755 117 652 120 320 122 453 123 891
Final consumption expenditure of central governm 232 901 240 672 59 362 59 832 60 371 61 117 62 551 63 445 63 987
Central government, civilian 201 675 208 565 51 482 51 782 52 347 52 940 54 235 54 998 55 560
Central government, defence 31 226 32 107 7 880 8 049 8 023 8 177 8 316 8 447 8 427
Final consumption expenditure of local governmen 213 646 223 961 55 263 55 773 56 384 56 535 57 769 59 008 59 903
Gross fixed capital formation 503 928 510 898 126 615 127 494 128 897 127 500 121 133 120 520 114 681
Extraction and transport via pipelines 108 252 112 247 27 537 27 143 28 529 29 015 32 595 29 914 27 612
Services activities incidential to extraction 4 720 -421 11 -25 -233 -174 -198 -77 -141
Ocean transport 15 440 19 961 5 251 5 035 4 608 5 103 3 647 4 700 4 625
Mainland Norway 375 516 379 112 93 815 95 341 95 993 93 556 85 088 85 983 82 585
Mainland Norway) excluding general government. 304 267 304 497 76 708 77 902 75 568 73 980 67 261 66 096 62 276
Industries 203 887 216 226 53 525 55 433 53 510 53 476 47 804 47 939 45 038
Manufacturing and mining 30 996 34 165 8 081 8 722 8 384 8 874 6 918 6 850 5 263
Production of other goods 32 591 38 217 9 479 10 084 9 854 8 753 8 318 9 009 9 408
Other services 140 300 143 844 35 965 36 627 35 272 35 849 32 567 32 080 30 368
Dwelling service (households) 100 380 88 270 23 183 22 469 22 058 20 503 19 457 18 157 17 238
General government 71 249 74 615 17 107 17 438 20 425 19 577 17 828 19 887 20 309
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 32 776 43 185 13 561 8 485 17 397 3 901 3 324 3 399 -2 166
Gross capital formation 536 704 554 083 140 176 135 979 146 294 131 401 124 457 123 919 112 516
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 923 318 1 970 547 495 543 490 721 499 764 483 729 478 782 482 894 475 473
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes i 1 762 130 1 795 576 449 182 450 083 449 463 445 885 439 413 444 957 445 542
Final demand from general government 517 796 539 248 131 732 133 043 137 179 137 229 138 148 142 340 144 200
Total exports 1 039 693 1 049 134 263 561 267 580 255 458 261 274 249 208 241 984 253 043
Traditional goods 302 350 315 309 80 095 80 207 79 344 75 488 70 133 69 579 74 137
Crude oil and natural gas 479 946 470 254 119 064 119 788 111 565 119 058 115 464 110 386 117 343
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 12 745 14 215 2 507 3 361 4 700 3 646 4 917 3 291 2 690
Services 244 652 249 356 61 896 64 224 59 849 63 082 58 693 58 728 58 873
Total use of goods and services 2 963 011 3 019 681 759 104 758 301 755 222 745 004 727 989 724 878 728 516
Total imports 691 404 706 843 180 451 178 229 179 291 168 925 155 793 158 079 156 828
Traditional goods 458 084 456 080 119 016 116 549 114 801 105 707 99 228 98 401 99 780
Crude oil and natural gas 5 757 3 685 588 731 624 1 782 606 803 1 508
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 19 703 28 969 6 477 6 845 9 030 6 617 4 457 6 255 4 602
Services 207 860 218 109 54 371 54 103 54 836 54 819 51 502 52 620 50 937
Gross domestic product2 2 271 607 2 312 838 578 653 580 072 575 931 576 079 572 197 566 799 571 687
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market val 1 724 280 1 762 458 439 807 442 694 442 106 436 210 432 446 433 808 436 010
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 547 327 550 380 138 846 137 378 133 825 139 869 139 751 132 991 135 678
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 465 064 1 504 957 374 122 377 244 378 485 373 926 370 816 371 492 373 097
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 144 298 1 172 909 291 500 295 210 295 025 290 275 286 278 285 774 286 568
Manufacturing and mining 209 255 214 001 52 795 54 933 53 872 52 420 50 721 49 912 50 804
Production of other goods 168 668 174 377 43 298 43 907 44 143 42 844 41 720 40 216 42 049
Service activities 766 375 784 531 195 408 196 370 197 010 195 011 193 837 195 646 193 714
General government 320 766 332 048 82 622 82 033 83 460 83 651 84 539 85 718 86 529
Taxes and subsidies products 259 216 257 501 65 685 65 450 63 621 62 284 61 629 62 316 62 913