Statistics Norway - home page

Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2009
22 Gross domestic product and value added by industry. Seasonally adjusted. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3
Gross domestic product1 2 271 607 2 312 838 578 653 580 072 575 931 576 079 572 197 566 799 571 687
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 15 400 16 735 3 968 3 930 4 546 4 044 4 151 3 603 3 842
Fishing and fish farming 11 959 12 286 3 184 3 100 2 946 3 017 3 149 3 053 3 699
Oil and gas extraction including services 499 334 501 512 126 449 125 113 122 019 127 810 128 276 122 086 123 718
Oil and gas extraction 478 023 478 720 121 639 119 275 115 459 122 178 120 016 114 897 117 071
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 21 311 22 793 4 809 5 838 6 559 5 632 8 260 7 190 6 647
Mining and quarrying 4 276 4 235 1 052 1 135 1 038 1 003 921 886 928
Manufacturing 204 979 209 766 51 743 53 799 52 834 51 417 49 800 49 026 49 876
Food products, beverages and tobacco 30 949 30 335 7 700 7 589 7 501 7 525 7 552 7 479 7 884
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 2 690 2 226 611 515 571 532 501 487 491
Wood and wood products 8 801 7 753 2 047 2 011 1 915 1 776 1 450 1 666 1 639
Pulp, paper and paper products 4 212 3 914 1 042 1 019 961 894 827 803 820
Publishing, printing, reproduction 17 630 17 677 4 371 4 541 4 380 4 391 4 349 4 260 4 262
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 24 542 23 824 6 095 6 478 5 784 5 458 5 206 5 042 5 254
Basic chemicals 10 406 10 429 2 538 2 735 2 643 2 512 2 414 2 347 2 279
Basic metals 14 815 14 494 3 648 3 764 3 823 3 301 2 689 2 604 2 946
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 59 597 66 307 15 619 16 760 17 095 16 849 16 332 16 064 16 042
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 24 382 26 260 6 309 6 619 6 699 6 639 7 232 7 091 7 140
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 6 955 6 547 1 735 1 738 1 541 1 518 1 190 1 175 1 211
Electricity and gas supply 41 170 42 444 10 379 10 955 10 645 10 546 9 827 9 138 9 637
Water supply 2 358 2 515 633 621 622 607 606 680 615
Construction 100 139 102 912 25 767 25 922 26 007 25 237 24 593 24 424 24 871
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 178 696 181 303 46 139 45 896 45 189 44 117 43 135 44 351 44 921
Hotels and restaurants 30 725 31 212 7 911 7 913 7 735 7 568 7 728 7 535 7 443
Transport via pipelines 16 884 17 768 4 601 4 394 4 134 4 600 4 538 4 472 4 665
Ocean transport 31 109 31 100 7 796 7 871 7 672 7 459 6 938 6 433 7 295
Other transport industries 59 528 60 920 14 920 15 382 15 199 15 394 14 071 13 768 14 019
Post and telecommunications 31 906 32 613 8 009 8 041 8 192 8 335 8 296 8 471 8 460
Financial intermediation 77 701 78 950 19 045 19 422 20 503 19 860 20 283 20 894 20 592
Dwellings (households) 85 502 85 531 21 274 21 430 21 351 21 314 21 340 21 360 21 436
Business services 210 253 219 180 53 918 53 677 54 409 54 107 54 000 54 425 51 683
Public administration and defence 90 951 94 385 24 293 23 867 24 324 24 547 24 849 25 110 25 240
Education 84 646 87 095 21 631 21 675 21 886 21 838 22 271 22 628 22 869
Health and social work 177 361 183 339 45 550 45 465 46 144 46 149 46 721 47 373 47 785
Other social and personal services 57 514 59 537 14 704 15 015 14 915 14 828 15 076 14 768 15 179
GDP Mainland Norway1 1 724 280 1 762 458 439 807 442 694 442 106 436 210 432 446 433 808 436 010
Other taxes on products, net 70 511 68 503 17 796 17 977 16 488 15 759 15 881 15 924 15 859
Statistical discrepancy 0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
GDP Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 465 064 1 504 957 374 122 377 244 378 485 373 926 370 816 371 492 373 097
General government 320 766 332 048 82 622 82 033 83 460 83 651 84 539 85 718 86 529
Central government 142 940 146 413 36 647 36 153 36 603 36 932 37 108 37 419 37 550
Civilian central government 127 176 129 847 32 579 32 039 32 457 32 750 32 873 33 146 33 269
Defence 15 764 16 566 4 067 4 114 4 146 4 182 4 235 4 273 4 281
Local government 177 826 185 635 45 975 45 881 46 856 46 720 47 431 48 298 48 979