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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2009
34 Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital goods and by industry. At current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3
Gross fixed capital formation 503 928 542 074 126 485 133 503 136 723 145 363 127 954 130 747 126 667
Building and construction 247 051 262 596 63 512 64 351 64 570 70 164 61 141 60 280 57 608
Oil exploration, drilling, pipelines for oil and g 54 225 61 085 12 409 14 435 17 264 16 976 17 952 16 682 16 771
Oil platforms etc 48 370 57 039 13 355 14 181 14 148 15 355 14 992 16 181 15 895
Ships and boats 22 625 28 737 6 495 5 757 9 689 6 796 4 850 5 802 6 523
Other transport equipment 26 675 25 304 7 085 7 265 5 583 5 371 4 840 5 942 5 151
Machinery and equipment 104 982 107 187 23 572 27 510 25 410 30 695 24 105 25 852 24 715
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 7 440 8 361 1 413 2 587 2 507 1 854 1 428 2 589 2 507
Fishing and fish farming 1 587 3 398 1 328 653 787 629 521 576 684
Oil and gas extraction including services 109 390 120 157 25 944 28 939 31 770 33 504 33 933 34 131 33 970
Oil and gas extraction 104 670 120 476 25 927 28 942 31 977 33 630 34 103 34 183 34 088
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 4 720 -319 17 -3 -207 -126 -170 -52 -119
Mining and quarrying 706 1 031 250 258 259 264 515 966 403
Manufacturing 30 290 34 714 6 775 8 608 8 447 10 884 5 807 6 241 5 080
Food products, beverages and tobacco 4 182 6 056 1 196 1 462 1 316 2 081 1 246 1 537 1 346
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 286 206 85 57 26 38 57 51 21
Wood and wood products 1 035 1 377 198 350 358 472 199 160 310
Pulp, paper and paper products 1 105 795 147 163 174 311 82 96 96
Publishing, printing, reproduction 952 1 130 268 304 297 261 281 215 76
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 6 519 6 342 1 217 1 337 1 576 2 212 1 143 1 241 1 112
Basic chemicals 3 082 7 801 1 373 2 256 2 174 1 997 1 266 856 656
Basic metals 2 289 2 767 475 767 680 844 351 442 330
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 5 478 5 853 1 327 1 372 1 313 1 841 898 843 745
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 4 593 1 710 363 360 409 577 210 347 288
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 769 676 125 178 124 248 73 452 100
Electricity and gas supply 12 609 14 678 2 406 3 940 3 749 4 583 2 592 3 715 4 369
Water supply 2 294 2 576 480 548 698 850 596 619 869
Construction 10 955 13 457 3 339 3 755 3 191 3 173 3 169 3 113 2 707
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 18 553 18 557 4 066 4 955 4 363 5 173 3 996 3 317 3 598
Hotels and restaurants 2 704 3 335 764 773 819 978 981 1 048 945
Transport via pipelines 3 582 1 761 416 584 565 196 32 80 442
Ocean transport 15 440 21 811 5 142 4 963 5 568 6 139 4 095 4 766 5 425
Other transport industries 18 812 22 608 6 238 5 671 5 263 5 437 5 567 6 219 5 717
Post and telecommunications 7 211 5 221 1 507 1 263 1 229 1 221 1 095 936 963
Financial intermediation 8 273 8 332 2 095 2 113 2 069 2 055 2 029 1 990 1 942
Dwellings (households) 100 380 93 388 24 684 23 502 22 431 22 771 21 520 19 251 18 035
Business services 75 590 82 449 21 068 20 570 19 572 21 238 20 340 18 539 16 934
Public administration and defence 33 050 39 067 7 828 8 498 12 449 10 292 9 044 11 066 11 175
Education 13 923 14 370 3 212 2 902 3 871 4 384 3 401 3 499 4 919
Health and social work 18 516 18 838 3 990 4 830 4 228 5 791 3 407 4 070 3 916
Other social and personal services 12 623 13 965 3 541 3 589 2 888 3 948 3 885 4 014 2 067
Mainland Norway 375 516 398 345 94 983 99 017 98 820 105 525 89 894 91 770 86 831
General government 71 249 78 796 16 526 17 871 21 691 22 708 17 964 21 085 21 101
Central government 35 380 39 952 7 773 8 573 12 554 11 052 8 437 9 678 11 108
Civilian central government 26 805 31 042 6 424 7 283 7 642 9 693 6 457 8 073 9 639
Defence 8 575 8 910 1 349 1 290 4 912 1 359 1 980 1 605 1 469
Local government 35 869 38 844 8 753 9 298 9 137 11 656 9 527 11 407 9 993