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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2009
38 Exports of goods and services. At current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3
Total exports 1 039 693 1 222 602 297 281 319 361 300 655 305 306 259 973 238 074 244 882
Goods 795 041 957 432 236 193 248 557 235 746 236 937 201 246 172 527 181 218
Crude oil and natural gas 479 946 620 515 156 088 162 915 149 776 151 736 127 098 103 834 109 352
Ships, new 4 159 5 930 1 118 1 577 1 941 1 294 3 190 2 260 937
Ships, second-hand 5 919 5 916 1 148 1 067 2 130 1 571 1 416 423 453
Oil platforms and modules, new 2 143 1 548 285 349 541 373 295 470 845
Oil platforms, second-hand 17 44 4 7 17 16 6 13 26
Direct exports in relation to petroleum activiti 1 13 0 3 1 9 25 9 2
Aircraft and helicopters 506 553 6 349 100 98 0 46 -
Other goods 302 350 322 913 77 544 82 290 81 240 81 840 69 216 65 472 69 603
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 16 484 17 384 4 058 4 070 4 231 5 025 4 509 5 339 5 495
Mining and quarrying 4 901 6 146 699 884 2 783 1 780 604 553 1 567
Manufacturing products 277 890 292 938 71 739 76 187 71 956 73 056 63 166 58 824 61 275
Food products, beverages and tobacco 25 114 26 285 6 421 5 352 5 346 9 166 7 217 5 780 5 942
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 537 2 340 579 627 573 561 547 475 478
Wood products 2 832 2 459 679 657 555 568 555 560 486
Pulp, paper and paper products 10 824 10 686 2 654 2 653 2 662 2 717 2 272 2 032 2 543
Printing and publishing 404 456 102 88 103 163 145 120 121
Refined petroleum products 28 385 32 006 8 542 8 863 8 964 5 637 4 386 5 879 6 117
Basic chemicals 21 437 26 529 6 262 6 305 7 376 6 586 4 701 4 189 4 532
Chemical and mineral products 22 259 22 203 5 686 5 775 4 882 5 860 6 111 5 785 5 603
Basic metals 78 712 70 196 18 510 19 473 17 737 14 476 11 186 10 380 11 891
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 80 490 94 947 21 110 25 202 22 666 25 969 24 944 22 546 22 647
Furniture and other manufacturing products 4 896 4 831 1 194 1 192 1 092 1 353 1 102 1 078 915
Electricity 3 075 6 445 1 048 1 148 2 269 1 980 936 756 1 265
Other goods excluding refined petroleum products 273 965 290 907 69 002 73 427 72 276 76 203 64 830 59 593 63 486
Services 244 652 265 170 61 088 70 804 64 909 68 369 58 727 65 547 63 664
Gross receipts, shipping 88 948 92 587 22 243 23 822 24 319 22 203 18 000 17 951 21 093
Petroleum activities, various services 406 412 111 97 93 111 113 90 95
Oil drilling etc 20 651 24 234 4 924 6 713 5 694 6 903 6 846 7 101 6 016
Pipeline transport 10 984 13 058 3 053 3 032 3 368 3 605 3 242 3 205 3 289
Travel 26 509 27 697 5 424 7 887 7 813 6 573 5 004 7 290 7 571
Other services 97 154 107 182 25 333 29 253 23 622 28 974 25 522 29 910 25 600
Transport, post and telecommunication 17 271 19 833 4 648 4 434 5 093 5 658 4 505 4 783 5 583
Financial and business services 58 945 63 196 14 808 18 055 13 635 16 698 15 544 18 215 14 213
Services n.e.c 20 938 24 153 5 877 6 764 4 894 6 618 5 473 6 912 5 804