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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2009
39 Exports of goods and services. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3
Total exports 1 039 693 1 049 134 265 365 267 006 245 921 270 842 253 631 238 564 242 389
Goods 795 041 799 778 206 741 199 957 186 713 206 368 198 250 177 215 184 067
Crude oil and natural gas 479 946 470 254 125 872 115 310 105 034 124 038 122 456 106 007 109 902
Ships, new 4 159 5 640 1 094 1 519 1 835 1 192 2 958 2 108 883
Ships, second-hand 5 919 6 481 1 124 1 131 2 229 1 997 1 658 690 990
Oil platforms and modules, new 2 143 1 481 279 334 517 351 276 433 789
Oil platforms, second-hand 17 44 4 7 17 16 6 13 26
Direct exports in relation to petroleum activiti 1 11 0 2 1 7 20 7 1
Aircraft and helicopters 506 557 6 367 101 83 0 40 -
Other goods 302 350 315 309 78 362 81 285 76 978 78 683 70 876 67 918 71 475
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 16 484 17 130 4 109 4 087 3 999 4 935 4 207 4 319 4 674
Mining and quarrying 4 901 4 760 706 839 1 923 1 292 603 557 1 254
Manufacturing products 277 890 289 951 72 833 75 535 70 008 71 574 65 526 62 537 64 607
Food products, beverages and tobacco 25 114 25 673 6 804 5 556 5 268 8 045 7 042 5 658 5 975
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 2 537 2 250 588 623 537 502 572 461 466
Wood products 2 832 2 672 739 711 612 610 627 614 557
Pulp, paper and paper products 10 824 10 465 2 685 2 726 2 639 2 415 2 012 1 890 2 338
Printing and publishing 404 449 98 90 109 152 145 110 121
Refined petroleum products 28 385 26 169 7 371 6 377 6 107 6 314 6 012 6 561 6 249
Basic chemicals 21 437 24 902 5 859 6 216 6 982 5 845 4 768 4 694 5 156
Chemical and mineral products 22 259 21 726 5 806 5 868 4 848 5 204 5 379 5 435 5 042
Basic metals 78 712 78 586 20 497 20 805 19 536 17 748 15 677 15 655 16 898
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 80 490 92 393 21 194 25 356 22 311 23 531 22 279 20 456 20 976
Furniture and other manufacturing products 4 896 4 666 1 192 1 207 1 059 1 208 1 014 1 003 828
Electricity 3 075 3 468 714 824 1 048 882 540 505 941
Other goods excluding refined petroleum products 273 965 289 140 70 991 74 908 70 871 72 369 64 864 61 357 65 226
Services 244 652 249 356 58 625 67 050 59 208 64 474 55 382 61 349 58 322
Gross receipts, shipping 88 948 89 132 20 984 23 355 21 879 22 913 18 337 19 148 20 784
Petroleum activities, various services 406 395 108 93 89 105 106 83 89
Oil drilling etc 20 651 19 893 4 504 5 371 4 954 5 064 5 273 5 150 3 979
Pipeline transport 10 984 11 594 3 297 2 807 2 314 3 176 3 344 2 715 2 690
Travel 26 509 26 499 5 286 7 556 7 399 6 258 4 756 6 799 7 031
Other services 97 154 101 844 24 445 27 868 22 573 26 957 23 566 27 454 23 749
Transport, post and telecommunication 17 271 19 032 4 498 4 351 5 000 5 184 4 199 4 526 5 489
Financial and business services 58 945 59 702 14 248 17 090 12 906 15 460 14 280 16 562 12 899
Services n.e.c 20 938 23 109 5 700 6 428 4 668 6 314 5 087 6 366 5 361