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Quarterly national accounts, 1. quarter 2010
19 Gross domestic product and value added by industry. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner
  2008 2009 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3 09:4 10:1
Gross domestic product1 2 312 838 2 274 856 560 052 602 978 576 751 548 751 553 711 595 643 571 656
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 16 735 13 548 8 875 4 275 3 313 -805 7 128 3 910 3 372
Fishing and fish farming 12 286 13 530 2 378 3 355 3 903 2 583 2 841 4 202 4 857
Oil and gas extraction including services 501 512 496 015 116 578 133 358 135 123 116 213 117 324 127 355 127 297
Oil and gas extraction 478 720 466 708 109 939 128 002 127 394 108 304 110 575 120 434 119 927
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 22 793 29 308 6 638 5 356 7 729 7 909 6 748 6 921 7 370
Mining and quarrying 4 235 3 666 1 024 1 062 807 950 922 987 858
Manufacturing 209 766 197 620 49 280 53 003 52 015 47 830 46 150 51 626 50 751
Food products, beverages and tobacco 30 335 30 581 7 148 8 039 7 744 7 133 7 442 8 262 7 828
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 2 226 1 939 503 556 552 475 432 480 458
Wood and wood products 7 753 6 401 1 757 1 858 1 492 1 676 1 508 1 725 1 678
Pulp, paper and paper products 3 914 3 346 971 906 830 780 830 906 905
Publishing, printing, reproduction 17 677 17 093 4 116 4 512 4 667 4 094 4 004 4 329 4 344
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 23 824 20 681 5 405 5 573 5 475 5 030 4 883 5 293 5 156
Basic chemicals 10 429 9 785 2 583 2 507 2 445 2 376 2 226 2 737 2 947
Basic metals 14 494 11 489 3 631 3 331 2 728 2 626 2 833 3 302 3 094
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 66 307 64 605 15 590 17 327 17 567 15 818 14 650 16 571 16 634
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 26 260 26 914 6 214 6 842 7 196 6 658 6 277 6 783 6 507
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 6 547 4 785 1 362 1 552 1 319 1 163 1 066 1 237 1 199
Electricity and gas supply 42 444 39 320 9 204 11 439 11 467 8 067 8 369 11 417 11 651
Water supply 2 515 2 610 641 624 611 604 722 674 608
Construction 102 912 99 629 24 713 26 273 25 239 24 417 24 101 25 871 24 086
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 181 303 177 879 43 906 47 494 41 133 43 875 43 670 49 200 43 018
Hotels and restaurants 31 212 30 203 8 692 7 521 6 565 7 810 8 413 7 415 6 306
Transport via pipelines 17 768 18 214 3 656 4 892 5 095 4 167 4 110 4 841 5 183
Ocean transport 31 100 26 403 7 626 7 986 6 354 6 641 6 693 6 715 5 578
Other transport industries 60 920 57 227 15 162 15 892 13 541 13 805 14 206 15 674 12 922
Post and telecommunications 32 613 33 249 7 942 8 964 8 186 8 047 8 167 8 849 8 536
Financial intermediation 78 950 81 129 21 032 20 351 19 691 20 396 21 142 19 900 19 380
Dwellings (households) 85 531 85 507 21 488 21 355 21 119 21 358 21 515 21 515 21 456
Business services 219 180 214 014 50 445 61 364 53 234 54 810 47 965 58 006 52 026
Public administration and defence 94 385 96 639 23 803 23 716 24 363 23 233 24 453 24 591 25 544
Education 87 095 89 284 19 172 22 906 23 901 21 800 20 177 23 407 24 555
Health and social work 183 339 189 792 46 426 46 056 47 206 46 212 48 108 48 266 48 661
Other social and personal services 59 537 60 235 14 478 15 196 15 152 14 876 14 511 15 695 15 872
GDP Mainland Norway1 1 762 458 1 734 223 432 192 456 742 430 179 421 729 425 584 456 731 433 598
Value added tax and investment levy 188 999 184 854 46 616 49 291 44 071 45 812 46 574 48 397 43 383
Other taxes on products, net 68 503 64 288 16 917 16 603 14 660 16 049 16 450 17 130 15 756
Statistical discrepancy -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
GDP Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 504 957 1 485 082 368 660 390 848 371 447 359 869 362 561 391 205 374 459
General government 332 048 341 212 81 449 84 545 86 710 82 457 84 289 87 756 89 648
Central government 146 413 149 569 36 833 36 801 37 732 35 995 37 734 38 108 39 135
Civilian central government 129 847 132 898 32 830 32 568 33 545 31 934 33 645 33 773 34 695
Defence 16 566 16 672 4 003 4 233 4 187 4 061 4 089 4 335 4 439
Local government 185 635 191 643 44 616 47 743 48 978 46 462 46 555 49 648 50 514