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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2010
6 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted figures. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner(3)
  2008 2009 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3 09:4 10:1 10:2
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs1 954 892 956 360 235 294 233 880 238 133 240 769 243 808 244 733 243 381
Household final consumption expenditure 916 348 916 510 225 710 224 113 228 262 230 754 233 589 234 658 233 166
Goods 470 808 469 721 114 756 113 471 116 395 118 801 120 975 120 926 120 246
Services 412 405 415 841 103 362 103 100 103 907 104 349 104 617 105 029 105 251
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 59 632 55 602 14 203 13 668 13 950 13 643 14 523 14 904 14 110
Direct purchases by non-residents -26 498 -24 654 -6 612 -6 126 -5 990 -6 040 -6 527 -6 202 -6 441
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 38 544 39 850 9 584 9 767 9 871 10 015 10 219 10 076 10 214
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen 465 010 487 047 117 171 120 512 121 555 122 838 122 047 123 735 125 164
Final consumption expenditure of central governm 240 789 252 609 60 720 62 536 62 984 63 355 63 681 63 647 63 847
Central government, civilian 208 700 220 368 52 492 54 551 54 673 55 260 55 832 55 799 56 097
Central government, defence 32 089 32 241 8 228 7 985 8 311 8 095 7 849 7 848 7 750
Final consumption expenditure of local governmen 224 221 234 438 56 451 57 976 58 570 59 483 58 367 60 088 61 317
Gross fixed capital formation 514 203 467 383 131 502 119 817 118 141 112 696 116 348 104 248 111 906
Extraction and transport via pipelines 113 765 120 231 29 262 33 084 30 380 28 340 28 450 26 963 27 312
Services activities incidential to extraction 5 385 1 770 1 222 149 142 1 593 -113 858 497
Ocean transport 24 749 18 464 9 313 4 193 4 842 4 525 4 860 2 625 4 911
Mainland Norway 370 304 326 919 91 704 82 391 82 777 78 237 83 152 73 802 79 186
Mainland Norway) excluding general government. 295 724 247 139 72 467 65 750 63 831 59 103 58 451 56 989 60 174
Industries 207 453 175 541 51 919 46 323 45 771 41 775 41 570 40 149 43 324
Manufacturing and mining 34 069 23 834 8 864 6 896 6 751 5 370 4 892 5 541 5 172
Production of other goods 34 861 28 806 7 879 7 110 7 423 7 519 6 748 6 364 7 642
Other services 138 524 122 902 35 177 32 317 31 597 28 886 29 930 28 245 30 511
Dwelling service (households) 88 270 71 597 20 548 19 427 18 060 17 328 16 880 16 839 16 849
General government 74 581 79 780 19 237 16 641 18 947 19 135 24 701 16 813 19 012
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 25 451 -24 524 6 214 -4 381 -4 888 -5 477 -9 078 2 851 10 735
Gross capital formation 539 654 442 859 137 716 115 436 113 252 107 219 107 270 107 099 122 641
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 959 555 1 886 265 490 181 469 828 472 940 470 826 473 125 475 567 491 185
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes i 1 790 206 1 770 325 444 169 436 783 442 465 441 844 449 007 442 271 447 730
Final demand from general government 539 590 566 827 136 408 137 153 140 501 141 973 146 748 140 549 144 176
Total exports 1 050 041 1 007 997 260 418 252 397 245 918 253 671 255 619 254 761 248 626
Traditional goods 315 175 289 338 74 965 69 852 69 688 74 886 74 979 75 063 75 690
Crude oil and natural gas 470 309 464 838 119 392 118 587 113 557 117 485 115 109 113 428 112 047
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 14 203 14 756 3 638 5 158 3 428 2 930 3 239 7 905 2 764
Services 250 353 239 066 62 423 58 800 59 246 58 369 62 292 58 366 58 125
Total use of goods and services 3 009 596 2 894 262 750 599 722 225 718 858 724 496 728 744 730 328 739 811
Total imports 720 923 638 407 180 152 154 840 157 978 161 096 164 647 164 956 173 984
Traditional goods 455 782 396 194 105 603 99 604 97 645 99 651 99 294 102 629 109 148
Crude oil and natural gas 3 722 4 893 1 662 625 809 1 894 1 590 823 1 925
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 39 458 27 569 17 109 4 584 6 580 5 719 10 685 8 695 9 831
Services 221 961 209 751 55 779 50 026 52 943 53 832 53 078 52 809 53 081
Gross domestic product2 2 288 673 2 255 855 570 447 567 385 560 880 563 401 564 097 565 373 565 826
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market val 1 755 470 1 731 648 434 759 432 443 431 289 432 821 434 786 435 537 437 549
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 533 203 524 207 135 687 134 942 129 590 130 580 129 312 129 836 128 277
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 500 270 1 484 387 373 058 370 654 369 662 370 816 372 898 373 891 375 957
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 168 208 1 143 743 289 530 286 118 284 730 285 518 287 008 287 192 289 005
Manufacturing and mining 214 593 201 844 52 558 50 481 49 749 50 453 51 021 50 687 51 064
Production of other goods 172 874 167 637 42 370 42 164 40 728 42 265 42 587 41 537 41 271
Service activities 780 741 774 262 194 602 193 473 194 253 192 799 193 401 194 968 196 670
General government 332 062 340 644 83 529 84 536 84 932 85 298 85 890 86 699 86 951
Taxes and subsidies products 255 200 247 261 61 701 61 789 61 627 62 005 61 887 61 646 61 593