Statistics Norway - home page

Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2010
19 Gross domestic product and value added by industry. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner
  2008 2009 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3 09:4 10:1 10:2
Gross domestic product1 2 288 673 2 255 855 597 050 571 133 545 075 549 155 590 492 566 806 552 918
Agriculture, hunting and forestry 16 514 13 955 4 304 3 256 -507 7 092 4 113 3 249 120
Fishing and fish farming 12 216 13 303 3 338 3 865 2 576 2 782 4 080 4 751 3 092
Oil and gas extraction including services 484 530 479 801 128 846 130 663 112 494 113 456 123 187 124 157 111 961
Oil and gas extraction 461 773 450 457 123 500 122 934 104 558 106 712 116 253 116 776 104 053
Service activities incidental to oil and gas 22 756 29 344 5 347 7 729 7 936 6 744 6 934 7 381 7 908
Mining and quarrying 4 235 3 666 1 062 807 950 922 987 858 1 187
Manufacturing 210 358 198 178 53 150 52 170 47 960 46 273 51 775 50 887 50 236
Food products, beverages and tobacco 30 335 30 581 8 039 7 744 7 133 7 442 8 262 7 823 7 286
Textiles,wearing apparel, leather 1 799 1 567 449 445 384 349 388 371 326
Wood and wood products 7 753 6 401 1 858 1 492 1 676 1 508 1 725 1 678 2 029
Pulp, paper and paper products 3 914 3 346 906 830 780 830 906 905 890
Publishing, printing, reproduction 18 554 17 943 4 736 4 898 4 297 4 203 4 544 4 558 4 349
Refined petroleum, chemical and mineral products 23 824 20 681 5 573 5 475 5 030 4 883 5 293 5 153 5 340
Basic chemicals 10 429 9 785 2 507 2 445 2 376 2 226 2 737 2 946 2 972
Basic metals 14 494 11 489 3 331 2 728 2 626 2 833 3 302 3 092 3 054
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 66 307 64 605 17 327 17 567 15 818 14 650 16 571 16 629 16 230
Building of ships, oil platforms and moduls 26 402 26 995 6 871 7 226 6 676 6 284 6 809 6 533 6 610
Furniture and other manufacturing n.e.c 6 547 4 785 1 552 1 319 1 163 1 066 1 237 1 198 1 150
Electricity and gas supply 42 438 39 307 11 439 11 453 8 066 8 369 11 419 11 613 7 402
Water supply 2 511 2 604 625 610 603 719 671 613 649
Construction 101 707 101 072 25 965 25 852 24 912 24 452 25 856 24 510 24 961
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicl 179 889 177 401 47 541 41 035 43 778 43 475 49 114 42 904 44 518
Hotels and restaurants 31 259 30 196 7 517 6 575 7 813 8 436 7 372 6 356 7 711
Transport via pipelines 17 573 18 003 4 837 5 034 4 119 4 065 4 784 5 116 4 392
Ocean transport 31 100 26 403 7 986 6 354 6 641 6 693 6 715 6 349 6 908
Other transport industries 61 353 57 903 15 996 13 637 13 956 14 451 15 859 13 505 14 050
Post and telecommunications 35 176 35 853 9 632 8 854 8 722 8 773 9 505 8 897 8 762
Financial intermediation 78 767 80 870 20 369 19 710 20 356 21 044 19 760 19 563 21 417
Dwellings (households) 86 485 86 473 21 595 21 357 21 599 21 759 21 758 21 637 21 776
Business services 213 871 209 249 59 835 51 956 53 703 46 802 56 788 50 678 53 232
Public administration and defence 94 319 96 275 23 672 24 002 23 232 24 452 24 590 24 611 24 103
Education 87 001 88 987 22 836 23 700 21 801 20 124 23 362 24 335 22 411
Health and social work 183 258 189 615 45 999 47 046 46 184 48 119 48 266 48 087 47 427
Other social and personal services 58 914 59 480 15 044 14 872 14 717 14 360 15 530 15 417 15 253
GDP Mainland Norway1 1 755 470 1 731 648 455 381 429 081 421 820 424 942 455 806 431 184 429 658
Value added tax and investment levy 188 999 184 854 49 291 44 071 45 812 46 574 48 397 43 383 45 170
Other taxes on products, net 66 201 62 408 16 172 14 253 15 586 15 965 16 604 15 329 16 181
Statistical discrepancy -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
GDP Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 500 270 1 484 387 389 917 370 756 360 422 362 403 390 805 372 471 368 307
General government 332 062 340 644 84 409 86 068 82 495 84 303 87 778 88 030 84 518
Central government 146 270 149 060 36 619 37 279 35 927 37 746 38 108 37 807 37 050
Civilian central government 129 731 132 487 32 323 33 187 31 867 33 658 33 775 33 658 32 904
Defence 16 539 16 573 4 296 4 093 4 060 4 088 4 334 4 149 4 147
Local government 185 793 191 583 47 791 48 788 46 568 46 557 49 670 50 224 47 468