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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2010
6 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted figures. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner(3)
  2008 2009 09:1 09:2 09:3 09:4 10:1 10:2 10:3
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs1 954 892 956 360 234 037 238 130 240 614 243 717 245 296 245 009 248 278
Household final consumption expenditure 916 348 916 510 224 273 228 256 230 599 233 498 235 216 234 803 237 965
Goods 470 808 469 721 113 531 116 449 118 733 120 802 120 966 120 571 121 951
Services 412 405 415 841 103 119 103 880 104 301 104 677 105 253 105 878 106 817
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 59 632 55 602 13 718 13 914 13 598 14 592 15 244 14 922 15 659
Direct purchases by non-residents -26 498 -24 654 -6 095 -5 987 -6 032 -6 572 -6 247 -6 568 -6 463
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 38 544 39 849 9 764 9 874 10 015 10 220 10 079 10 207 10 313
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen 465 010 487 046 120 523 121 582 122 775 122 066 123 664 125 323 126 174
Final consumption expenditure of central governm 240 789 252 608 62 543 63 002 63 315 63 693 63 648 63 813 64 611
Central government, civilian 208 700 220 367 54 558 54 691 55 220 55 844 55 812 56 069 57 082
Central government, defence 32 089 32 241 7 985 8 311 8 095 7 849 7 835 7 744 7 529
Final consumption expenditure of local governmen 224 221 234 438 57 980 58 580 59 461 58 373 60 016 61 510 61 563
Gross fixed capital formation 514 203 476 379 124 884 117 663 112 679 120 898 103 914 112 106 104 303
Extraction and transport via pipelines 113 765 120 322 32 830 30 361 28 573 28 612 26 680 27 580 22 647
Services activities incidential to extraction 5 385 10 674 4 757 -143 1 593 4 467 252 421 1 850
Ocean transport 24 749 18 464 4 242 4 640 4 954 4 597 2 679 4 801 3 033
Mainland Norway 370 304 326 920 83 055 82 804 77 559 83 222 74 303 79 303 76 774
Mainland Norway) excluding general government. 295 724 247 139 66 102 63 610 58 596 58 800 57 092 60 040 58 804
Industries 207 453 175 542 46 664 45 439 41 334 41 985 40 236 43 054 41 450
Manufacturing and mining 34 069 23 834 6 894 6 705 5 401 4 886 5 435 4 946 4 541
Production of other goods 34 861 28 806 7 500 7 162 7 122 7 011 6 761 7 464 7 447
Other services 138 524 122 902 32 270 31 573 28 812 30 088 28 040 30 644 29 463
Dwelling service (households) 88 270 71 597 19 438 18 171 17 262 16 815 16 856 16 986 17 355
General government 74 581 79 780 16 953 19 194 18 963 24 421 17 211 19 264 17 969
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 25 451 -33 383 -9 461 -4 084 -4 982 -14 716 3 298 14 379 12 261
Gross capital formation 539 654 442 996 115 423 113 579 107 697 106 181 107 212 126 486 116 565
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 959 555 1 886 401 469 983 473 291 471 086 471 965 476 171 496 818 491 016
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes i 1 790 206 1 770 325 437 615 442 516 440 948 449 005 443 262 449 636 451 226
Final demand from general government 539 590 566 826 137 476 140 776 141 738 146 488 140 875 144 587 144 144
Total exports 1 050 041 1 007 996 252 199 245 276 254 107 256 457 256 597 245 629 242 549
Traditional goods 315 175 289 338 70 088 69 611 74 399 75 240 75 483 75 498 77 193
Crude oil and natural gas 470 309 464 838 118 470 112 961 118 514 115 070 113 239 110 998 105 535
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 14 203 14 756 5 158 3 428 2 930 3 239 7 902 2 792 1 636
Services 250 353 239 065 58 482 59 275 58 265 62 908 59 973 56 342 58 184
Total use of goods and services 3 009 596 2 894 398 722 182 718 567 725 194 728 422 732 768 742 448 733 565
Total imports 720 923 638 407 155 197 157 744 160 692 164 854 166 411 177 156 177 095
Traditional goods 455 782 396 194 99 872 97 808 99 184 99 386 103 171 108 689 106 824
Crude oil and natural gas 3 722 4 893 625 816 1 881 1 592 824 1 934 2 227
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 39 458 27 569 4 584 6 580 5 719 10 685 8 696 10 167 12 122
Services 221 961 209 751 50 116 52 540 53 907 53 191 53 720 56 366 55 923
Gross domestic product2 2 288 673 2 255 990 566 986 560 823 564 501 563 568 566 357 565 292 556 469
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market val 1 755 470 1 731 784 432 346 432 378 431 958 434 539 436 752 438 821 442 859
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 533 203 524 207 134 639 128 444 132 544 129 029 129 605 126 471 113 611
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 500 270 1 484 520 370 551 370 741 369 974 372 668 375 060 377 068 380 755
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 168 208 1 143 877 285 963 285 863 284 645 286 828 288 447 290 226 293 667
Manufacturing and mining 214 593 201 844 50 440 49 864 50 392 50 986 50 827 50 961 51 896
Production of other goods 172 874 167 637 42 166 40 908 42 022 42 601 41 899 41 200 42 398
Service activities 780 741 774 395 193 357 195 090 192 231 193 241 195 721 198 065 199 373
General government 332 062 340 644 84 588 84 879 85 329 85 840 86 613 86 842 87 088
Taxes and subsidies products 255 200 247 263 61 796 61 637 61 984 61 871 61 692 61 754 62 104