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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2011
2 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. At constant 2007-prices. Million kroner
  2009 2010 09:4 10:1 10:2 10:3 10:4 11:1 11:2
Final consumption expenditure                  
of households and NPISHs1 956 370 991 579 253 029 235 345 241 560 253 237 261 437 237 843 251 609
Household final consumption expenditure 916 510 950 626 242 980 225 092 231 193 243 134 251 207 227 269 240 936
Goods 469 721 489 034 132 244 114 767 116 016 121 468 136 782 113 442 121 187
Services 415 841 425 308 105 082 101 442 106 668 109 461 107 738 103 997 109 323
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 55 602 62 470 11 893 13 738 15 993 19 573 13 166 14 633 17 923
Direct purchases by non-residents -24 654 -26 185 -6 240 -4 854 -7 485 -7 369 -6 478 -4 803 -7 497
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 39 860 40 952 10 050 10 252 10 367 10 103 10 230 10 573 10 672
Final consumption expenditure of general governmen 487 106 497 712 124 003 123 683 121 109 125 053 127 868 126 837 122 892
Final consumption expenditure of central governm 252 663 252 066 64 259 61 809 61 773 64 527 63 958 63 131 62 691
Central government, civilian 220 418 219 823 56 261 53 890 53 772 56 500 55 662 54 867 54 352
Central government, defence 32 245 32 243 7 998 7 919 8 001 8 027 8 296 8 264 8 338
Final consumption expenditure of local governmen 234 443 245 646 59 744 61 873 59 336 60 526 63 910 63 706 60 202
Gross fixed capital formation 481 146 445 463 129 384 98 581 114 790 108 760 123 332 109 153 115 141
Extraction and transport via pipelines 120 350 105 414 29 570 24 651 27 756 25 024 27 983 25 434 28 833
Services activities incidential to extraction 10 675 1 695 4 468 176 457 407 655 -211 -132
Ocean transport 18 367 16 852 5 635 1 410 5 809 5 076 4 557 2 854 1 090
Mainland Norway 331 753 321 502 89 712 72 344 80 768 78 254 90 137 81 077 85 350
Mainland Norway) excluding general government. 251 920 248 082 62 859 56 899 62 812 60 067 68 305 63 365 68 855
Industries 178 949 176 714 45 007 39 241 45 559 42 822 49 092 42 413 47 083
Manufacturing and mining 23 861 19 937 6 171 4 364 5 062 4 218 6 294 3 485 4 614
Production of other goods 28 468 31 021 7 545 5 662 8 312 8 199 8 848 6 653 9 297
Other services 126 620 125 756 31 291 29 215 32 185 30 405 33 950 32 275 33 172
Dwelling service (households) 72 970 71 368 17 852 17 658 17 253 17 244 19 213 20 952 21 773
General government 79 834 73 420 26 853 15 445 17 956 18 187 21 832 17 712 16 495
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies -48 449 24 026 -18 363 5 476 14 161 -1 109 5 498 36 902 6 252
Gross capital formation 432 696 469 490 111 022 104 057 128 951 107 651 128 830 146 056 121 393
Final domestic use of goods and services 1 876 172 1 958 781 488 054 463 085 491 620 485 941 518 135 510 735 495 894
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes i 1 775 229 1 810 794 466 744 431 371 443 438 456 544 479 441 445 756 459 851
Final demand from general government 566 939 571 133 150 856 139 128 139 065 143 240 149 700 144 548 139 387
Total exports 1 009 692 992 490 267 496 262 560 240 356 233 189 256 386 247 179 234 346
Traditional goods 289 689 304 012 79 346 76 283 73 383 74 946 79 400 74 251 76 653
Crude oil and natural gas 465 978 431 700 119 905 120 294 105 877 95 409 110 120 111 613 91 885
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 14 950 17 704 3 235 8 839 3 175 2 491 3 199 2 977 3 299
Services 239 075 239 074 65 009 57 143 57 921 60 342 63 667 58 338 62 509
Total use of goods and services 2 885 864 2 951 271 755 550 725 645 731 976 719 130 774 521 757 914 730 239
Total imports 636 827 694 424 165 364 159 858 179 137 178 928 176 500 186 983 179 429
Traditional goods 396 201 428 974 102 407 100 638 108 711 105 670 113 956 111 719 111 933
Crude oil and natural gas 4 912 6 137 1 629 862 1 888 2 180 1 207 2 122 721
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 25 988 32 864 10 418 7 922 9 951 7 883 7 108 22 126 6 266
Services 209 726 226 448 50 910 50 437 58 588 63 195 54 229 51 016 60 509
Gross domestic product2 2 249 037 2 256 848 590 186 565 786 552 840 540 202 598 020 570 931 550 810
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market val 1 723 873 1 760 050 455 474 430 237 429 435 433 986 466 392 441 004 439 086
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 525 164 496 797 134 712 135 549 123 404 106 216 131 628 129 928 111 724
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 475 053 1 504 364 388 726 369 725 366 720 370 165 397 754 379 737 374 285
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 134 411 1 156 989 300 952 282 915 282 731 283 872 307 471 289 653 288 446
Manufacturing and mining 201 844 206 117 52 762 51 745 51 339 48 870 54 164 54 402 50 941
Production of other goods 159 062 160 950 43 530 42 242 34 460 40 791 43 457 41 822 35 762
Service activities 773 505 789 921 204 660 188 927 196 933 194 211 209 850 193 430 201 744
General government 340 642 347 375 87 775 86 811 83 989 86 293 90 283 90 084 85 838
Taxes and subsidies products 248 820 255 686 66 748 60 512 62 715 63 821 68 638 61 267 64 801