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Quarterly national accounts, 4. quarter 2011
2 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. At constant 2009-prices. Million kroner (Published 24 February 2012)
  2010 2011 10:2 10:3 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4
Final consumption expenditure                  
by households and NPISHs1 1 065 455 1 089 030 260 103 270 598 280 300 256 770 270 865 277 584 283 811
Household final consumption expenditure 1 016 238 1 039 658 247 966 258 799 267 495 244 051 258 805 265 744 271 057
Goods 516 722 523 313 123 413 127 915 143 445 120 251 129 280 130 436 143 347
Services 462 851 474 857 115 991 118 504 117 346 113 815 119 032 121 524 120 486
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 64 407 69 714 16 488 20 181 13 574 15 086 18 444 21 728 14 456
Direct purchases by non-residents -27 742 -28 226 -7 926 -7 802 -6 870 -5 100 -7 950 -7 943 -7 232
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 49 218 49 372 12 137 11 799 12 806 12 719 12 060 11 840 12 754
Final consumption expenditure of general government 539 925 548 246 134 328 135 057 135 745 135 347 135 909 138 354 138 635
Final consumption expenditure of central government 274 466 277 645 68 349 69 332 68 638 68 214 68 618 70 411 70 402
Central government, civilian 240 019 243 542 59 676 60 854 59 994 59 866 60 100 61 803 61 774
Central government, defence 34 446 34 103 8 673 8 478 8 643 8 348 8 518 8 608 8 628
Final consumption expenditure of local government 265 459 270 601 65 979 65 725 67 108 67 133 67 291 67 943 68 233
Gross fixed capital formation 488 870 522 662 123 912 118 298 135 002 122 563 127 817 130 772 141 510
Extraction and transport via pipelines 122 370 136 378 32 049 29 354 32 247 30 939 33 633 36 817 34 990
Services activities incidential to extraction 1 240 286 -25 -34 529 -168 -1 396 59
Ocean transport 24 836 17 571 7 061 6 055 5 923 4 901 4 129 4 034 4 506
Mainland Norway 340 423 368 427 84 826 82 922 96 303 86 891 90 056 89 525 101 954
Mainland Norway excluding general government 261 091 288 093 65 504 63 033 72 772 67 751 72 162 69 656 78 523
Industries 167 865 174 343 42 964 40 504 47 682 40 347 43 424 41 793 48 778
Manufacturing and mining 20 060 20 091 5 225 4 282 6 564 3 755 4 900 5 010 6 425
Production of other goods 39 916 43 874 10 608 10 263 11 238 9 184 11 504 11 245 11 940
Other services 107 889 110 377 27 132 25 959 29 880 27 407 27 020 25 537 30 413
Dwelling service (households) 93 226 113 750 22 540 22 529 25 091 27 404 28 738 27 863 29 745
General government 79 332 80 334 19 322 19 890 23 531 19 140 17 894 19 868 23 431
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 58 542 59 661 18 537 13 849 12 296 34 552 7 058 4 671 13 381
Gross capital formation 547 412 582 323 142 448 132 146 147 298 157 116 134 875 135 442 154 891
Final domestic use of goods and services 2 152 792 2 219 599 536 879 537 801 563 344 549 233 541 649 551 381 577 336
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks). 1 945 804 2 005 703 479 257 488 577 512 349 479 008 496 831 505 463 524 400
Final demand from general government 619 257 628 580 153 650 154 946 159 276 154 487 153 803 158 223 162 067
Total exports 945 560 935 047 231 629 221 023 246 687 235 998 223 007 232 117 243 925
Traditional goods 284 221 282 588 68 504 70 013 74 117 68 456 70 629 70 714 72 789
Crude oil and natural gas 396 175 378 587 97 240 86 889 101 519 104 312 85 612 91 679 96 983
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 10 167 10 552 2 216 2 025 1 791 1 726 2 661 3 822 2 343
Services 254 997 263 321 63 669 62 095 69 260 61 504 64 105 65 901 71 810
Total use of goods and services 3 098 353 3 154 647 768 508 758 823 810 030 785 231 764 657 783 498 821 262
Total imports 725 811 744 198 185 423 188 229 185 095 186 274 180 803 190 135 186 985
Traditional goods 431 178 454 275 108 878 106 448 114 506 111 540 111 749 111 545 119 441
Crude oil and natural gas 11 227 10 415 3 218 3 506 2 447 3 417 2 201 2 576 2 222
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 30 720 37 017 8 602 7 814 6 852 16 827 6 578 6 624 6 989
Services 252 686 242 491 64 725 70 461 61 290 54 491 60 276 69 390 58 333
Gross domestic product2 2 372 542 2 410 449 583 085 570 595 624 935 598 957 583 853 593 362 634 277
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market values)2 1 910 616 1 959 789 468 883 471 347 502 024 478 166 480 525 485 327 515 771
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 461 926 450 660 114 201 99 248 122 911 120 791 103 328 108 035 118 505
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 639 237 1 681 793 402 234 403 503 429 595 412 819 411 552 415 406 442 017
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 253 354 1 287 472 305 999 307 845 332 478 315 256 313 496 316 783 341 937
Manufacturing and mining 179 219 182 879 44 695 42 432 47 316 47 584 44 630 42 964 47 701
Production of other goods 201 957 207 260 44 045 50 149 54 960 52 546 45 269 53 178 56 268
Service activities 872 178 897 333 217 259 215 263 230 202 215 127 223 598 220 641 237 968
General government 385 884 394 321 96 235 95 658 97 117 97 562 98 056 98 623 100 080
Taxes and subsidies products 271 379 277 995 66 649 67 844 72 429 65 347 68 973 69 921 73 754