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Quarterly national accounts, 4. quarter 2011
34 Imports of goods and services. At current prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 10:2 10:3 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4
Total 725 581 763 892 185 536 187 233 188 366 193 190 185 036 192 712 192 954
Goods 470 807 520 300 121 231 116 278 125 401 138 750 124 488 123 709 133 353
Crude oil and natural gas 12 620 14 123 3 597 3 996 2 943 4 635 2 910 3 617 2 961
Ships, oil platforms, aircraft 29 432 35 908 8 617 7 365 6 286 16 963 6 070 6 126 6 749
Other goods 428 755 470 269 109 017 104 917 116 172 117 152 115 508 113 966 123 643
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 12 572 14 332 3 285 2 492 3 515 4 094 3 724 2 758 3 756
Mining and quarrying 5 978 6 189 1 558 1 517 1 421 1 610 1 519 1 443 1 617
Manufacturing products 404 029 444 684 102 214 99 999 109 532 107 987 109 131 109 613 117 953
Food products, beverages and tobacco 28 144 31 937 6 669 7 735 7 807 6 486 7 606 8 720 9 125
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 24 771 26 966 4 816 7 707 6 038 6 987 5 380 8 393 6 206
Wood products 9 413 10 105 2 473 2 329 2 487 2 271 2 642 2 446 2 746
Pulp, paper and paper products 7 662 8 086 1 816 1 883 2 104 2 061 1 954 1 972 2 099
Printing and publishing 68 60 15 16 21 15 15 14 16
Refined petroleum products 23 588 28 861 6 496 6 031 6 267 7 444 7 547 6 682 7 188
Basic chemicals, chemical and mineral products 66 158 69 418 16 750 16 717 17 254 16 708 17 964 17 112 17 634
Basic metals 59 986 69 876 17 644 13 441 15 323 19 565 18 148 15 860 16 303
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 136 368 147 502 33 751 32 921 38 438 34 212 35 528 36 223 41 539
Furniture and other manufacturing products 21 922 22 639 5 024 5 169 6 533 5 466 5 203 5 316 6 654
Transport equipment, non-competitive imports 25 949 29 234 6 760 6 050 7 260 6 772 7 144 6 875 8 443
Electricity 6 176 5 064 1 960 909 1 704 3 461 1 134 152 317
Other goods excl. refined petroleum products 405 167 441 408 102 521 98 886 109 905 109 708 107 961 107 284 116 455
Services 254 774 243 592 64 305 70 956 62 965 54 440 60 548 69 003 59 601
Gross receipts, shipping 240 0 60 60 60 0 0 0 -
Petroleum activities, various services 29 396 26 406 7 543 8 161 7 694 6 130 6 058 7 371 6 847
Operating costs shipping, excl bunkers 24 771 22 723 5 759 6 326 6 719 5 216 5 778 5 554 6 175
Travel 82 643 91 230 20 874 25 970 17 872 19 684 24 108 28 065 19 373
Other services 117 724 103 233 30 069 30 439 30 620 23 410 24 604 28 013 27 206
Transport, post and telecommunication 14 000 10 403 3 636 3 616 3 632 2 316 2 827 2 637 2 623
Financial and business services 53 089 48 164 13 823 13 697 13 649 10 757 11 536 13 187 12 684
Services n.e.c 50 635 44 666 12 610 13 126 13 339 10 337 10 241 12 189 11 899