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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2012
1 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. At current prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1 12:2
Final consumption expenditure                  
by households and NPISHs1 1 088 124 1 128 592 287 723 266 830 281 449 286 103 294 210 279 927 291 474
Household final consumption expenditure 1 037 532 1 075 713 274 352 253 366 268 580 273 361 280 407 265 638 277 965
Goods 527 692 536 052 146 721 124 931 133 109 132 261 145 751 128 569 134 028
Services 475 744 500 331 121 187 118 830 125 634 128 234 127 633 125 984 133 038
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 62 545 69 043 13 526 14 897 18 245 21 240 14 662 16 890 19 819
Direct purchases by non-residents -28 449 -29 712 -7 082 -5 292 -8 408 -8 374 -7 638 -5 805 -8 920
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 50 593 52 879 13 372 13 464 12 869 12 743 13 803 14 289 13 508
Final consumption expenditure of general government 556 292 585 794 141 245 143 501 144 917 147 974 149 401 151 067 152 796
Final consumption expenditure of central government 281 993 294 773 71 157 71 917 72 706 74 657 75 493 75 661 76 998
Central government, civilian 246 707 258 553 62 186 63 152 63 654 65 505 66 242 66 343 67 541
Central government, defence 35 287 36 221 8 972 8 765 9 052 9 152 9 251 9 318 9 457
Final consumption expenditure of local government 274 299 291 020 70 087 71 585 72 211 73 317 73 908 75 406 75 797
Gross fixed capital formation 499 060 549 992 138 462 127 863 129 760 139 336 153 033 139 695 151 264
Extraction and transport via pipelines 124 168 144 618 32 787 31 470 34 384 38 593 40 171 38 002 41 585
Services activities incidential to extraction 1 223 -3 909 520 -168 -4 482 490 250 170 281
Ocean transport 24 842 18 221 5 769 4 936 4 310 4 353 4 621 4 650 5 017
Mainland Norway 348 827 391 062 99 385 91 625 95 548 95 899 107 991 96 873 104 382
Mainland Norway excluding general government 267 136 303 962 74 969 71 393 76 082 73 983 82 505 77 527 82 766
Industries 170 104 179 716 48 573 41 813 44 817 43 384 49 703 44 995 48 561
Manufacturing and mining 20 195 21 106 6 658 3 861 5 026 5 132 7 088 4 447 6 094
Production of other goods 40 341 45 216 11 465 9 325 11 806 11 524 12 560 10 353 12 333
Other services 109 568 113 394 30 449 28 627 27 984 26 728 30 055 30 195 30 134
Dwelling service (households) 97 032 124 246 26 396 29 580 31 265 30 599 32 802 32 532 34 205
General government 81 691 87 100 24 416 20 232 19 466 21 916 25 486 19 346 21 616
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 67 160 80 692 14 538 41 515 7 657 5 805 25 715 33 469 13 524
Gross capital formation 566 220 630 684 153 000 169 378 137 418 145 140 178 748 173 163 164 789
Final domestic use of goods and services 2 210 636 2 345 070 581 968 579 710 563 784 579 218 622 359 604 157 609 058
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks). 1 993 244 2 105 448 528 353 501 956 521 914 529 976 551 602 527 866 548 651
Final demand from general government 637 983 672 894 165 661 163 733 164 383 169 890 174 887 170 413 174 412
Total exports 1 038 171 1 145 179 282 890 286 062 277 481 278 165 303 471 317 995 295 919
Traditional goods 299 222 316 420 80 248 77 711 80 486 79 123 79 100 78 680 76 622
Crude oil and natural gas 471 178 562 366 132 503 148 175 129 400 133 491 151 300 175 407 150 647
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 8 578 13 653 1 493 1 650 6 776 3 043 2 184 2 091 2 680
Services 259 193 252 740 68 645 58 526 60 819 62 508 70 887 61 817 65 970
Total use of goods and services 3 248 807 3 490 249 864 858 865 772 841 265 857 382 925 830 922 152 904 977
Total imports 725 581 769 750 188 366 193 003 185 035 191 717 199 995 187 445 196 456
Traditional goods 428 755 470 105 116 172 117 160 115 515 113 832 123 598 117 879 119 163
Crude oil and natural gas 12 620 14 739 2 943 4 635 2 910 3 617 3 577 3 642 4 780
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 29 432 36 124 6 286 16 964 6 070 6 311 6 779 5 764 6 030
Services 254 774 248 782 62 965 54 244 60 540 67 957 66 041 60 160 66 483
Gross domestic product2 2 523 226 2 720 499 676 492 672 769 656 230 665 665 725 835 734 707 708 521
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market values)2 1 985 014 2 085 026 523 346 508 940 513 049 515 529 547 507 540 481 539 323
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 538 212 635 473 153 146 163 828 143 180 150 136 178 328 194 226 169 198
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 702 632 1 790 996 448 335 439 559 439 652 441 504 470 281 467 134 464 058
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 302 866 1 364 577 346 633 335 245 333 899 334 338 361 096 356 746 352 690
Manufacturing and mining 179 214 192 670 46 350 48 367 47 441 47 048 49 814 52 564 49 796
Production of other goods 230 027 237 789 64 560 64 738 53 026 57 219 62 805 66 085 54 820
Service activities 893 626 934 118 235 723 222 140 233 431 230 071 248 476 238 097 248 074
General government 399 767 426 419 101 701 104 314 105 753 107 166 109 185 110 388 111 368
Taxes and subsidies products 282 382 294 030 75 011 69 381 73 397 74 024 77 227 73 347 75 265