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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2012
18 Final consumption expenditure of households. At current prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1 12:2
Household final consumption expenditure 1 037 532 1 075 713 274 352 253 366 268 580 273 361 280 407 265 638 277 965
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 131 992 137 158 34 950 31 281 34 594 34 930 36 353 34 010 35 952
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco etc 43 331 44 430 11 611 9 681 11 460 11 137 12 153 10 409 11 528
Clothing and footwear 53 948 54 384 16 328 11 139 13 582 13 491 16 171 12 122 13 912
Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 220 867 223 470 58 518 60 935 54 065 52 443 56 028 58 738 54 595
Furnishings, household equip. and household maintenance 56 657 57 802 16 548 12 608 13 372 14 869 16 952 13 535 13 876
Health 27 878 28 516 7 388 6 763 7 081 7 096 7 576 7 185 7 402
Transport 146 642 155 171 36 533 35 802 41 102 40 131 38 136 37 668 41 757
Communication 27 263 27 147 7 237 6 773 6 515 6 683 7 177 6 814 6 495
Recreation and culture 126 199 130 820 34 461 28 025 32 569 34 588 35 638 29 863 33 428
Education 4 414 4 639 1 216 1 179 1 119 1 064 1 278 1 253 1 201
Restaurants and hotels 58 428 62 611 14 822 13 435 16 017 16 930 16 229 14 418 17 110
Miscellaneous goods and services 105 816 110 234 28 297 26 139 27 268 27 134 29 693 28 540 29 810
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 62 545 69 043 13 526 14 897 18 245 21 240 14 662 16 890 19 819
Direct purchases in Norway by non-res. households -28 449 -29 712 -7 082 -5 292 -8 408 -8 374 -7 638 -5 805 -8 920
Goods 1 527 692 536 052 146 721 124 931 133 109 132 261 145 751 128 569 134 028
Services 1 475 744 500 331 121 187 118 830 125 634 128 234 127 633 125 984 133 038
Dwellings 173 130 181 123 43 835 44 853 45 121 45 400 45 750 46 652 46 998
Other services 302 614 319 208 77 352 73 977 80 513 82 834 81 883 79 331 86 041