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Quarterly national accounts, 2. quarter 2012
35 Imports of goods and services. At constant 2009-prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1 12:2
Total 725 811 751 293 185 095 186 505 180 958 189 152 194 678 182 053 191 165
Goods 473 124 502 122 123 805 131 845 120 487 120 821 128 970 121 831 125 056
Crude oil and natural gas 11 227 10 800 2 447 3 417 2 200 2 575 2 608 2 431 3 218
Ships, oil platforms, aircraft 30 720 37 229 6 852 16 869 6 581 6 821 6 958 6 663 6 480
Other goods 431 178 454 093 114 506 111 558 111 706 111 425 119 404 112 736 115 358
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 12 588 13 752 3 476 3 852 3 584 2 708 3 608 3 772 3 605
Mining and quarrying 6 702 6 820 1 493 1 678 1 730 1 574 1 838 1 707 1 548
Manufacturing products 407 251 429 964 108 496 103 919 105 530 106 956 113 560 106 961 109 989
Food products, beverages and tobacco 28 219 30 761 7 565 6 286 7 338 8 366 8 771 7 274 7 863
Textiles, wearing apparel, leather 25 908 27 051 6 098 7 241 5 726 8 244 5 840 6 668 5 103
Wood products 9 421 9 974 2 419 2 247 2 677 2 430 2 620 2 548 2 868
Pulp, paper and paper products 7 787 7 849 2 061 1 998 1 904 1 938 2 009 2 024 1 908
Printing and publishing 82 68 24 19 17 14 17 17 15
Refined petroleum products 18 949 18 139 4 829 4 947 4 686 4 181 4 325 4 432 4 668
Basic chemicals, chemical and mineral products 69 710 70 688 17 838 17 186 18 440 17 579 17 483 17 438 17 702
Basic metals 56 082 61 326 13 875 16 304 15 884 14 124 15 014 15 572 16 732
Machinery and other equipment n.e.c 142 520 152 743 39 975 35 557 36 664 37 835 42 687 38 206 40 106
Furniture and other manufacturing products 22 873 23 185 6 620 5 614 5 286 5 584 6 701 6 007 5 523
Transport equipment, non-competitive imports 25 700 28 180 7 192 6 520 6 908 6 659 8 093 6 775 7 502
Electricity 4 637 3 557 1 041 2 110 862 188 398 296 216
Other goods excl. refined petroleum products 412 229 435 955 109 677 106 612 107 020 107 244 115 079 108 304 110 689
Services 252 686 249 171 61 290 54 660 60 471 68 331 65 708 60 222 66 109
Gross receipts, shipping 240 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 -
Petroleum activities, various services 30 595 29 973 8 061 6 471 6 381 7 813 9 307 7 701 7 668
Operating costs shipping, excl bunkers 21 303 22 844 5 490 5 536 6 098 5 572 5 638 5 762 6 208
Travel 85 104 92 658 17 936 19 934 24 370 28 710 19 644 22 664 26 484
Other services 115 444 103 695 29 738 22 719 23 622 26 236 31 119 24 096 25 749
Transport, post and telecommunication 14 134 10 219 3 695 2 245 2 454 2 670 2 850 2 130 2 913
Financial and business services 51 738 48 630 13 197 10 635 11 466 12 017 14 512 11 140 12 372
Services n.e.c 49 573 44 847 12 846 9 839 9 702 11 549 13 757 10 827 10 464