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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2012
2 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. At constant 2010-prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1 12:2 12:3
Final consumption expenditure                  
by households and NPISHs1 1 089 953 1 117 099 264 561 277 142 283 322 292 073 275 637 283 498 291 627
Household final consumption expenditure 1 040 627 1 066 563 251 621 264 699 271 139 279 104 262 339 270 878 279 464
Goods 532 385 539 517 125 016 132 580 133 751 148 170 130 761 134 382 135 534
Services 474 046 485 440 116 594 121 822 124 127 122 896 119 810 124 887 127 969
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 62 645 70 184 15 244 18 450 21 410 15 080 17 342 20 071 23 877
Direct purchases by non-residents -28 449 -28 577 -5 232 -8 154 -8 149 -7 042 -5 573 -8 462 -7 916
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 49 326 50 535 12 940 12 443 12 183 12 969 13 298 12 620 12 163
Final consumption expenditure of general government 558 469 568 702 140 421 141 030 144 040 143 211 144 606 144 195 145 824
Final consumption expenditure of central government 284 910 287 460 70 795 71 206 72 986 72 473 72 540 73 030 74 210
Central government, civilian 248 074 250 557 61 749 62 050 63 658 63 100 63 186 63 523 64 600
Central government, defence 36 836 36 903 9 046 9 156 9 328 9 373 9 353 9 508 9 609
Final consumption expenditure of local government 273 559 281 241 69 626 69 823 71 054 70 738 72 066 71 165 71 614
Gross fixed capital formation 481 985 518 409 122 128 123 534 130 973 141 775 128 005 137 688 137 227
Extraction and transport via pipelines 124 166 141 612 31 791 34 453 37 569 37 798 36 709 40 898 39 892
Services activities incidential to extraction 1 318 -4 013 -55 -4 468 244 267 146 69 812
Ocean transport 16 753 12 190 3 358 2 710 2 614 3 507 3 915 3 357 2 425
Mainland Norway 339 748 368 621 87 034 90 838 90 546 100 203 87 236 93 364 94 098
Mainland Norway excluding general government 258 219 285 297 66 651 72 320 69 799 76 528 69 152 73 709 73 472
Industries 160 246 165 914 37 883 42 161 40 552 45 318 38 692 42 465 41 057
Manufacturing and mining 20 288 21 205 3 966 5 039 5 165 7 035 4 382 5 655 4 590
Production of other goods 38 944 42 230 8 471 11 388 11 045 11 327 9 112 11 244 10 632
Other services 101 014 102 479 25 446 25 734 24 342 26 957 25 197 25 566 25 836
Dwelling service (households) 97 973 119 384 28 768 30 159 29 247 31 209 30 460 31 244 32 415
General government 81 529 83 324 20 383 18 519 20 747 23 675 18 084 19 655 20 626
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 110 207 113 523 48 006 17 439 14 653 33 425 39 819 26 052 24 913
Gross capital formation 592 192 631 932 170 134 140 974 145 625 175 200 167 824 163 741 162 140
Final domestic use of goods and services 2 240 614 2 317 733 575 116 559 145 572 988 610 484 588 067 591 434 599 591
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks). 1 988 170 2 054 421 492 016 509 010 517 908 535 488 507 479 521 057 531 548
Final demand from general government 639 998 652 025 160 804 159 548 164 787 166 886 162 690 163 850 166 449
Total exports 1 029 969 1 011 430 255 504 245 084 249 086 261 757 265 722 256 854 242 530
Traditional goods 299 222 299 237 71 987 74 507 75 476 77 268 75 743 74 215 75 660
Crude oil and natural gas 471 179 441 961 121 324 100 681 107 039 112 917 123 806 111 034 99 275
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 8 626 13 768 1 556 6 784 3 073 2 354 2 076 3 354 2 110
Services 250 942 256 465 60 638 63 112 63 498 69 217 64 097 68 250 65 485
Total use of goods and services 3 270 583 3 329 163 830 620 804 228 822 074 872 241 853 789 848 287 842 121
Total imports 726 317 753 912 188 406 181 486 188 715 195 305 183 474 196 164 201 216
Traditional goods 435 333 451 068 111 699 111 080 110 201 118 088 112 121 114 517 114 631
Crude oil and natural gas 11 893 11 964 3 875 2 416 2 827 2 847 2 704 4 346 2 903
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 29 987 36 025 16 716 6 215 6 500 6 594 5 920 6 776 5 511
Services 249 104 254 855 56 117 61 775 69 187 67 777 62 729 70 525 78 171
Gross domestic product2 2 544 266 2 575 251 642 214 622 742 633 359 676 936 670 315 652 123 640 905
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market values)2 1 987 362 2 036 566 497 374 498 984 504 487 535 721 521 631 515 331 517 357
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 556 904 538 685 144 840 123 758 128 872 141 215 148 684 136 792 123 548
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 703 716 1 747 295 428 854 427 349 431 476 459 615 450 473 441 819 443 181
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 303 289 1 337 315 327 270 325 326 328 649 356 071 345 956 338 432 339 375
Manufacturing and mining 183 527 187 309 48 629 45 635 44 223 48 822 49 843 46 337 45 554
Production of other goods 219 184 224 074 56 462 48 675 56 247 62 690 64 615 55 186 59 521
Service activities 900 578 925 932 222 179 231 016 228 179 244 559 231 498 236 910 234 300
General government 400 427 409 980 101 585 102 023 102 827 103 544 104 518 103 386 103 807
Taxes and subsidies products 283 646 289 271 68 520 71 635 73 011 76 105 71 158 73 512 74 175