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Quarterly national accounts, 3. quarter 2012
6 Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted figures. At constant 2010-prices. Million kroner(3)
  2010 2011 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1 12:2 12:3
Final consumption expenditure                  
by households and NPISHs1 1 089 953 1 117 099 277 436 278 630 280 140 282 815 285 298 287 257 289 615
Household final consumption expenditure 1 040 627 1 066 563 264 814 266 087 267 479 270 114 272 405 274 530 276 931
Goods 532 385 539 517 134 682 134 635 135 509 136 385 137 163 138 687 138 977
Services 474 046 485 440 120 271 121 026 121 680 122 604 123 521 124 134 125 378
Direct purchases abroad by resident households 62 645 70 184 16 813 17 533 17 610 18 312 19 044 19 091 19 678
Direct purchases by non-residents -28 449 -28 577 -6 953 -7 107 -7 320 -7 187 -7 324 -7 382 -7 103
Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs1 49 326 50 535 12 622 12 543 12 660 12 701 12 893 12 727 12 684
Final consumption expenditure of general government 558 469 568 702 139 935 142 146 143 511 143 461 143 335 145 101 145 403
Final consumption expenditure of central government 284 910 287 460 70 736 71 786 72 480 72 586 72 119 73 489 73 738
Central government, civilian 248 074 250 557 61 785 62 603 63 120 63 179 62 842 63 961 64 118
Central government, defence 36 836 36 903 8 952 9 182 9 360 9 406 9 278 9 527 9 620
Final consumption expenditure of local government 273 559 281 241 69 199 70 360 71 031 70 875 71 216 71 612 71 665
Gross fixed capital formation 481 985 518 409 129 331 122 970 131 722 133 998 135 695 137 007 138 283
Extraction and transport via pipelines 124 166 141 612 33 464 33 981 37 182 37 027 38 372 40 325 39 594
Services activities incidential to extraction 1 318 -4 013 -55 -4 468 244 267 146 69 812
Ocean transport 16 753 12 190 3 534 2 607 2 718 3 392 4 003 3 294 2 473
Mainland Norway 339 748 368 621 92 388 90 850 91 579 93 313 93 175 93 320 95 404
Mainland Norway excluding general government 258 219 285 297 69 594 71 960 71 215 72 440 72 338 73 337 74 851
Industries 160 246 165 914 41 233 41 700 41 011 41 911 42 171 42 056 41 442
Manufacturing and mining 20 288 21 205 5 111 5 048 5 457 5 580 5 482 5 663 4 960
Production of other goods 38 944 42 230 10 282 10 615 10 526 10 741 11 125 10 507 10 045
Other services 101 014 102 479 25 840 26 037 25 027 25 590 25 564 25 886 26 437
Dwelling service (households) 97 973 119 384 28 361 30 259 30 204 30 530 30 167 31 282 33 409
General government 81 529 83 324 22 794 18 891 20 364 20 872 20 837 19 983 20 553
Changes in stocks and statistical discrepancies 110 207 113 523 34 139 25 661 20 904 33 802 26 944 29 866 30 740
Gross capital formation 592 192 631 932 163 470 148 632 152 626 167 800 162 639 166 874 169 023
Final domestic use of goods and services 2 240 614 2 317 733 580 841 569 408 576 277 594 076 591 272 599 232 604 042
Final demand from Mainland Norway (excl. changes in stocks). 1 988 170 2 054 421 509 759 511 626 515 230 519 589 521 808 525 678 530 423
Final demand from general government 639 998 652 025 162 729 161 036 163 875 164 333 164 172 165 084 165 956
Total exports 1 029 969 1 011 430 251 175 249 220 259 888 251 189 260 705 261 976 253 861
Traditional goods 299 222 299 237 72 580 76 350 76 257 73 891 76 444 76 058 76 410
Crude oil and natural gas 471 179 441 961 113 446 104 949 116 640 107 283 114 933 116 291 109 522
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 8 626 13 768 1 532 6 598 2 990 2 666 2 050 3 147 2 007
Services 250 942 256 465 63 618 61 322 64 001 67 350 67 277 66 481 65 922
Total use of goods and services 3 270 583 3 329 163 832 016 818 627 836 164 845 266 851 977 861 208 857 903
Total imports 726 317 753 912 196 673 180 229 184 100 194 004 191 545 194 193 196 313
Traditional goods 435 333 451 068 113 877 111 209 111 296 114 437 115 056 113 868 116 048
Crude oil and natural gas 11 893 11 964 5 432 2 370 2 643 2 724 3 236 4 394 2 714
Ships, oil platforms and aircraft 29 987 36 025 16 986 6 026 6 768 6 348 6 075 6 598 5 725
Services 249 104 254 855 60 379 60 624 63 393 70 495 67 178 69 334 71 826
Gross domestic product2 2 544 266 2 575 251 635 343 638 398 652 064 651 262 660 432 667 015 661 590
Gross domestic product Mainland Norway (market values)2 1 987 362 2 036 566 500 764 508 322 513 474 515 996 520 855 524 898 528 470
Petroleum activities and ocean transport 556 904 538 685 134 579 130 076 138 591 135 266 139 577 142 117 133 120
Mainland Norway (basic values) 1 703 716 1 747 295 429 012 436 231 440 827 442 823 447 740 450 850 453 190
Mainland Norway excluding general government 1 303 289 1 337 315 327 766 333 743 337 823 339 409 344 032 347 049 348 997
Manufacturing and mining 183 527 187 309 46 404 46 763 47 138 47 143 47 430 47 403 48 689
Production of other goods 219 184 224 074 53 401 55 432 57 993 58 199 60 584 62 445 61 137
Service activities 900 578 925 932 227 962 231 548 232 692 234 067 236 018 237 201 239 171
General government 400 427 409 980 101 246 102 488 103 004 103 413 103 708 103 801 104 193
Taxes and subsidies products 283 646 289 271 71 752 72 091 72 647 73 173 73 115 74 048 75 280