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Quarterly Institutional Sector Accounts 2002 - 2005
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2004 04:1 04:2 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3
Output, producers' price 301 004 72 268 72 789 78 318 77 629 76 125 78 955 83 166
- Intermediate consumption 111 184 26 633 28 580 27 353 28 618 28 392 31 303 29 769
= Gross value added 189 820 45 635 44 209 50 965 49 011 47 733 47 652 53 397
- Consumption of fixed capital 46 545 11 423 11 580 11 716 11 826 12 025 12 163 12 274
- Compensation of employees paid 37 896 8 971 9 186 9 967 9 772 9 521 10 075 10 418
- Taxes on production 1 857 464 464 464 465 488 488 488
+ Subsidies on production 11 348 2 837 2 837 2 837 2 837 3 161 3 161 3 161
= Mixed income 114 870 27 614 25 816 31 655 29 785 28 860 28 087 33 378
+ Compensation of employees 761 485 186 201 187 748 191 782 195 754 193 321 200 754 199 051
+ Property income received 103 731 22 925 35 398 19 548 25 860 24 607 39 467 21 104
Amount due to dividends 63 725 12 745 25 490 9 559 15 931 14 703 29 406 11 028
- Property income paid 51 483 13 099 12 776 12 743 12 865 12 600 13 020 13 379
= Primary income 928 603 223 641 236 186 230 242 238 534 234 188 255 288 240 154
+ Pensions and benefits from general government 254 811 63 985 63 239 62 320 65 267 62 070 65 263 65 487
+ Benefits from pension funds 26 043 6 566 6 403 6 453 6 621 6 516 6 651 6 509
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 21 178 5 330 5 198 5 245 5 405 5 841 5 716 5 768
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 356 603 86 011 89 150 90 761 90 681 89 734 92 062 93 115
- Contributions to pension funds 42 622 10 653 10 653 10 656 10 660 10 654 10 656 10 659
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 258 -421 1 237 1 151 1 291 -427 -392 -436
= Disposable income 828 152 203 279 209 986 201 692 213 195 208 654 230 592 214 580
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 16 578 4 087 4 251 4 204 4 036 4 139 4 005 4 151
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 760 920 179 410 185 563 192 714 203 233 183 725 196 656 205 888
= Saving 83 810 27 956 28 674 13 182 13 998 29 068 37 941 12 843
+ Capital transfers, net -927 -232 -232 -232 -231 -232 -232 -232
- Investment in non-financial capital 34 022 7 292 8 344 8 406 9 980 10 808 10 681 9 345
= Net lending 48 859 20 432 20 098 4 544 3 785 18 028 27 028 3 266
Savings ratio (per cent) 10.1 13.8 13.7 6.5 6.6 13.9 16.5 6.0
Disposable income excluding dividends 764 427 190 534 184 496 192 133 197 264 193 951 201 186 203 552
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 769 459 189 886 194 823 186 966 197 784 193 368 211 121 196 031
Saving in 2000 prices 77 923 26 114 26 604 12 220 12 986 26 938 34 737 11 733