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Quarterly Institutional Sector Accounts 2002 - 2005
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2002 2003 02:1 02:2 02:3 02:4 03:1 03:2 03:3 03:4
Output, producers' price 274 756 283 391 65 991 67 584 71 591 69 590 68 306 69 024 73 491 72 570
- Intermediate consumption 99 630 103 544 23 741 26 407 24 647 24 835 25 799 25 485 25 369 26 891
= Gross value added 175 126 179 847 42 250 41 177 46 944 44 755 42 507 43 539 48 122 45 679
- Consumption of fixed capital 42 542 43 990 10 529 10 613 10 699 10 701 10 890 10 933 11 030 11 137
- Compensation of employees paid 37 062 36 461 8 790 9 109 9 739 9 424 8 749 8 887 9 507 9 318
- Taxes on production 1 824 1 948 456 456 456 456 488 488 488 484
+ Subsidies on production 12 583 12 642 3 145 3 146 3 146 3 146 3 161 3 161 3 161 3 159
= Mixed income 106 281 110 090 25 620 24 145 29 196 27 320 25 541 26 392 30 258 27 899
+ Compensation of employees 708 293 726 762 171 351 176 918 180 516 179 508 180 785 179 851 183 012 183 114
+ Property income received 96 232 103 499 21 541 30 042 19 996 24 653 25 191 35 154 19 130 24 024
Amount due to dividends 43 138 55 512 8 628 17 255 6 470 10 785 11 102 22 205 8 327 13 878
- Property income paid 76 710 70 467 18 361 18 424 19 472 20 453 20 625 19 001 16 504 14 337
= Primary income 834 096 869 884 200 151 212 681 210 236 211 028 210 892 222 396 215 896 220 700
+ Pensions and benefits from general government 224 686 246 814 53 654 55 199 56 222 59 611 58 108 60 150 63 344 65 212
+ Benefits from pension funds 21 337 24 815 5 302 5 333 5 353 5 349 6 262 6 118 6 191 6 244
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 18 807 19 663 4 718 4 621 4 664 4 804 4 935 4 831 4 875 5 022
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 327 813 336 804 79 347 81 883 83 521 83 062 82 907 84 304 85 127 84 466
- Contributions to pension funds 40 763 40 091 10 190 10 190 10 192 10 191 10 022 10 022 10 025 10 022
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 548 3 858 618 1 130 648 1 152 955 1 102 738 1 063
= Disposable income 726 802 780 423 173 670 184 631 182 114 186 387 186 313 198 067 194 416 201 627
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 19 426 15 276 4 890 4 857 4 837 4 842 3 760 3 903 3 833 3 780
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 680 681 720 025 158 217 167 994 172 246 182 224 169 926 175 705 182 667 191 727
= Saving 65 547 75 674 20 343 21 494 14 705 9 005 20 147 26 265 15 582 13 680
+ Capital transfers, net -523 -788 -130 -131 -131 -131 -197 -197 -198 -196
- Investment in non-financial capital 26 105 26 386 7 018 6 957 5 824 6 306 6 998 6 471 6 041 6 876
= Net lending 38 919 48 500 13 195 14 406 8 750 2 568 12 952 19 597 9 343 6 608
Savings ratio (per cent) 9.0 9.7 11.7 11.6 8.1 4.8 10.8 13.3 8.0 6.8
Disposable income excluding dividends 683 664 724 911 165 042 167 376 175 644 175 602 175 211 175 862 186 089 187 749
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 700 458 731 780 169 223 178 042 175 332 177 860 173 160 186 464 182 814 189 342
Saving in 2000 prices 63 299 70 950 19 822 20 727 14 157 8 593 18 725 24 726 14 652 12 847