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Quarterly Institutional Sector Accounts 2002 - 2006
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2004 2005 04:3 04:4 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2
Output, producers' price 301 004 321 169 78 287 77 516 76 337 79 131 82 592 83 109 82 355 84 050
- Intermediate consumption 111 186 120 707 27 353 28 577 28 453 31 373 29 738 31 143 31 095 33 340
= Gross value added 189 818 200 462 50 934 48 939 47 884 47 758 52 854 51 966 51 260 50 710
- Consumption of fixed capital 46 546 49 060 11 716 11 826 12 073 12 205 12 319 12 463 12 723 12 931
- Compensation of employees paid 37 896 40 312 9 964 9 756 9 551 10 106 10 358 10 297 10 092 10 618
- Taxes on production 1 857 2 300 464 465 574 574 574 578 490 490
+ Subsidies on production 11 348 12 644 2 837 2 837 3 161 3 161 3 161 3 161 3 244 3 244
= Mixed income 114 867 121 434 31 627 29 729 28 847 28 034 32 764 31 789 31 199 29 915
+ Compensation of employees 761 485 796 419 191 782 195 754 193 221 200 684 199 187 203 327 207 745 209 151
+ Property income received 100 962 131 166 18 855 25 168 27 831 46 643 23 507 33 185 14 306 18 958
Amount due to dividends 63 725 92 864 9 559 15 931 18 573 37 146 13 930 23 215 4 070 8 140
- Property income paid 51 746 53 386 12 809 12 932 12 942 13 032 13 388 14 024 14 650 15 382
= Primary income 925 568 995 633 229 455 237 719 236 957 262 329 242 070 254 277 238 600 242 642
+ Pensions and benefits from general government 254 811 259 149 63 013 68 258 61 882 65 075 65 299 66 893 63 840 66 889
+ Benefits from pension funds 26 043 26 621 6 453 6 621 6 585 6 712 6 579 6 745 6 813 6 631
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 21 178 23 312 5 245 5 405 5 852 5 726 5 780 5 954 6 292 6 231
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 356 605 367 133 90 761 90 681 89 507 91 816 92 936 92 874 95 291 96 570
- Contributions to pension funds 42 622 43 821 10 656 10 660 10 953 10 954 10 956 10 958 10 955 10 957
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 258 3 227 1 151 1 291 -438 1 268 1 129 1 268 -639 1 142
= Disposable income 825 115 890 534 201 598 215 371 211 254 235 804 214 707 228 769 209 938 213 724
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 16 578 17 185 4 204 4 036 4 364 4 238 4 373 4 210 4 142 4 326
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 760 920 795 704 192 714 203 233 183 504 196 258 204 565 211 377 196 484 206 943
= Saving 80 775 112 015 13 088 16 174 32 114 43 784 14 515 21 602 17 596 11 107
+ Capital transfers, net -927 -496 -232 -231 -124 -124 -124 -124 -124 -124
- Investment in non-financial capital 34 021 44 877 8 406 9 980 11 221 11 374 10 444 11 838 13 058 12 404
= Net lending 45 827 66 642 4 450 5 963 20 769 32 286 3 947 9 640 4 414 -1 421
Savings ratio (per cent) 9.8 12.6 6.5 7.5 15.2 18.6 6.8 9.4 8.4 5.2
Disposable income excluding dividends 761 390 797 670 192 039 199 440 192 681 198 658 200 777 205 554 205 868 205 584
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 766 607 817 814 186 879 199 803 196 013 216 032 196 164 209 605 190 616 191 522
Saving in 2000 prices 75 074 102 964 12 132 15 005 29 797 40 113 13 261 19 792 15 976 9 953