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Quarterly Institutional Sector Accounts 2005 - 2006
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2005 05:1 05:2 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2 06:3
Output, producers' price 319 357 75 854 78 756 82 229 82 518 81 178 82 579 86 931
- Intermediate consumption 147 273 34 960 38 228 36 234 37 851 37 485 39 711 37 868
= Gross value added 172 085 40 895 40 528 45 995 44 667 43 693 42 868 49 063
- Consumption of fixed capital 47 981 11 831 11 929 12 045 12 176 12 419 12 587 12 788
- Compensation of employees paid 40 744 9 661 10 220 10 455 10 408 10 195 10 712 11 118
- Taxes on production 2 300 575 575 575 575 575 575 575
+ Subsidies on production 12 644 3 161 3 161 3 161 3 161 3 161 3 161 3 161
= Mixed income 93 704 21 989 20 965 26 081 24 669 23 664 22 155 27 743
+ Compensation of employees 791 973 192 121 199 726 198 000 202 165 206 545 208 348 214 179
+ Property income received1 165 563 35 982 55 137 32 283 42 161 25 665 33 482 25 135
Amount due to dividends 93 697 18 739 37 479 14 055 23 424 7 144 14 288 5 359
- Property income paid 58 823 14 098 14 393 14 776 15 556 16 146 16 957 16 916
= Primary income 992 418 235 994 261 435 241 589 253 439 239 729 247 028 250 141
+ Pensions and benefits from general government 259 937 62 070 65 273 65 498 67 096 64 034 67 092 67 648
+ Benefits from pension funds 26 706 6 615 6 724 6 606 6 752 6 845 6 693 6 741
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 22 583 5 668 5 548 5 600 5 767 6 169 6 037 6 093
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 376 731 91 818 94 334 95 327 95 252 96 149 99 944 102 463
- Contributions to pension funds 40 647 10 166 10 160 10 161 10 160 10 160 10 161 10 163
- Other current transfers paid, net 2 336 -808 1 064 976 1 104 -757 1 040 945
= Disposable income 881 930 209 141 233 422 212 829 226 538 211 225 215 705 217 052
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 14 163 3 597 3 492 3 610 3 464 3 314 3 468 3 422
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 820 464 187 430 203 734 213 144 216 157 200 185 214 641 225 334
= Saving 75 630 25 477 33 124 3 239 13 790 14 354 4 533 -4 859
+ Capital transfers, net -1 768 -442 -442 -442 -442 -442 -442 -442
- Investment in non-financial capital 50 105 11 752 12 588 11 819 13 946 13 795 13 839 12 884
= Net lending 23 758 13 283 20 095 -9 022 -598 117 -9 749 -18 186
MEMO Savings ratio (per cent) 8,6 12,2 14,2 1,5 6,1 6,8 2,1 -2,2
Disposable income excluding dividends 788 233 190 402 195 943 198 774 203 114 204 081 201 417 211 694
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 811 647 193 994 214 720 195 343 207 590 192 333 194 571 195 766
Saving in 2000 prices 69 383 23 303 30 470 2 973 12 637 13 070 4 088 -4 383