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Quarterly Institutional Sector Accounts Q2 - 2007
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2005 2006 05:3 05:4 06:1 06:2 06:3 06:4 07:1 07:2
Output, producers' price 319 357 338 812 82 176 82 789 81 707 82 630 86 377 88 098 87 266 87 684
- Intermediate consumption 147 273 155 518 36 234 37 952 37 303 39 727 37 939 40 549 40 102 42 656
= Gross value added 172 084 183 294 45 941 44 837 44 404 42 903 48 438 47 549 47 164 45 028
- Consumption of fixed capital 47 980 50 962 12 045 12 174 12 441 12 615 12 818 13 089 13 315 13 610
- Compensation of employees paid 40 744 43 186 10 448 10 442 10 269 10 732 11 028 11 157 11 084 11 505
- Taxes on production 2 385 2 567 596 596 642 642 642 642 524 524
+ Subsidies on production 14 025 14 088 3 506 3 506 3 522 3 522 3 522 3 522 3 374 3 374
= Mixed income 95 000 100 667 26 359 25 131 24 574 22 436 27 473 26 184 25 615 22 763
+ Compensation of employees 794 922 852 874 198 764 202 966 207 895 209 641 215 452 219 886 228 698 231 568
+ Property income received 131 998 80 071 23 838 33 426 17 350 25 069 16 679 20 973 16 258 18 334
Amount due to dividends 93 697 35 722 14 055 23 424 7 144 14 288 5 359 8 931 3 062 6 124
- Property income paid 58 823 69 396 14 773 15 530 16 103 16 887 17 244 19 163 22 071 24 375
+ Correction for FISIM 33 566 34 451 8 433 8 592 8 327 8 619 8 581 8 924 8 933 9 386
= Primary income 996 663 998 666 242 621 254 585 242 044 248 878 250 941 256 803 257 433 257 676
+ Pensions and benefits from general government 259 001 267 140 65 249 66 913 63 908 66 958 67 518 68 756 67 517 68 995
+ Benefits from pension funds 26 473 28 003 6 553 6 694 7 057 6 915 6 957 7 074 7 185 7 065
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 22 583 23 561 5 600 5 767 5 915 5 787 5 842 6 017 6 424 6 284
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 376 717 402 902 95 337 95 280 96 498 100 289 102 847 103 268 106 148 110 152
- Contributions to pension funds 40 991 48 406 10 249 10 249 12 100 12 101 12 102 12 103 12 102 12 104
- Other current transfers paid, net 1 996 1 711 637 748 -216 658 568 702 -257 683
= Disposable income 885 016 864 351 213 799 227 682 210 542 215 492 215 741 222 577 220 565 217 081
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 14 518 20 412 3 696 3 555 5 045 5 188 5 147 5 032 4 921 5 041
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 820 424 873 595 213 068 215 733 200 938 215 389 226 114 231 154 216 349 229 680
= Saving 79 110 11 169 4 434 15 506 14 649 5 291 -5 226 -3 545 9 137 -7 558
+ Capital transfers, net -1 768 -1 714 -442 -442 -429 -429 -429 -429 -429 -429
- Investment in non-financial capital 54 366 61 611 12 920 15 194 14 821 15 354 14 287 17 150 17 351 17 786
= Net lending 22 976 -52 157 -8 909 -122 -600 -10 491 -19 942 -21 124 -8 642 -25 773
Savings ratio (per cent) 8.9 1.3 2.1 6.8 7.0 2.5 -2.4 -1.6 4.1 -3.5
Disposable income excluding dividends 791 319 828 629 199 744 204 258 203 398 201 203 210 382 213 646 217 504 210 957
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 815 247 780 435 196 349 208 721 192 033 194 405 194 732 199 265 199 553 194 842
Saving in 2000 prices 72 981 10 243 4 072 14 215 13 362 4 773 -4 717 -3 174 8 266 -6 784