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Quarterly Institutional Sector Accounts, 1. quarter 2008
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2006 2007 06:2 06:3 06:4 07:1 07:2 07:3 07:4 08:1
Output, producers' price 361 538 388 677 88 011 92 181 94 104 94 697 94 248 98 783 100 949 99 427
- Intermediate consumption 175 817 194 716 45 169 42 935 45 741 47 005 49 590 47 385 50 735 51 070
= Gross value added 185 721 193 961 42 842 49 246 48 363 47 691 44 658 51 398 50 213 48 358
- Consumption of fixed capital 51 963 56 986 12 852 13 052 13 390 13 837 14 143 14 352 14 653 15 111
- Compensation of employees paid 42 316 45 963 10 516 10 795 10 925 11 060 11 390 11 688 11 824 11 674
- Taxes on production 3 639 4 128 910 910 910 1 032 1 032 1 032 1 032 911
+ Subsidies on production 14 349 15 352 3 587 3 587 3 587 3 838 3 838 3 838 3 838 3 991
= Mixed income 102 152 102 236 22 153 28 077 26 726 25 600 21 930 28 164 26 542 24 652
+ Compensation of employees 869 377 957 659 213 583 219 621 224 395 232 758 235 565 241 719 247 616 251 477
+ Property income received 53 192 73 017 14 127 12 776 14 272 16 041 19 732 17 729 19 515 20 362
Amount due to dividends 7 638 14 036 3 055 1 145 1 910 2 807 5 614 2 106 3 509 2 981
- Property income paid 65 213 95 744 15 872 16 205 17 997 20 641 22 513 25 064 27 527 28 779
+ Correction for FISIM 32 587 40 741 8 177 8 107 8 418 9 658 10 119 10 164 10 800 10 661
= Primary income 992 095 1 077 909 242 168 252 376 255 815 263 416 264 834 272 712 276 947 278 373
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 266 890 278 446 66 955 67 515 68 514 65 905 69 009 70 665 72 867 69 373
+ Benefits from pension funds 27 325 29 354 6 741 6 788 6 904 7 385 7 251 7 295 7 423 7 407
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 26 025 28 389 6 395 6 454 6 645 7 126 6 975 7 039 7 250 7 798
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 401 227 440 124 99 842 102 365 102 943 105 450 109 431 112 107 113 136 115 576
- Contributions to pension funds 49 038 48 701 12 260 12 260 12 261 12 173 12 175 12 176 12 177 12 177
- Other current transfers paid, net -46 1 814 220 129 262 -243 681 619 757 -263
= Disposable income 862 116 923 459 209 938 218 379 222 412 226 451 225 780 232 810 238 418 235 460
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 21 713 19 347 5 478 5 453 5 389 4 788 4 925 4 881 4 753 4 770
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 883 221 946 104 217 710 228 203 234 652 219 113 232 789 242 823 251 379 231 649
= Saving 608 -3 298 -2 294 -4 372 -6 852 12 126 -2 084 -5 132 -8 208 8 582
+ Capital transfers, net -2 063 -2 576 -516 -516 -516 -644 -644 -644 -644 -644
- Investment in non-financial capital 57 433 66 876 14 190 13 253 16 072 16 929 16 884 15 762 17 301 15 685
= Net lending -58 888 -72 750 -17 000 -18 141 -23 440 -5 447 -19 612 -21 538 -26 153 -7 748
Savings ratio (per cent) 0.1 -0.4 -1.1 -2.0 -3.1 5.4 -0.9 -2.2 -3.4 3.6
Disposable income excluding dividends 854 478 909 423 206 882 217 233 220 501 223 644 220 166 230 704 234 909 232 479
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 777 111 826 743 189 238 196 846 200 482 202 734 202 134 208 427 213 448 205 581
Saving in 2000 prices 548 -2 953 -2 068 -3 941 -6 176 10 856 -1 866 -4 595 -7 348 7 493