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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 4. quarter 2008
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:1 07:2 07:3 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4
Output, producers' price 372 786 397 649 89 947 90 856 94 791 97 192 94 773 98 158 101 990 102 727
- Intermediate consumption 178 299 196 616 42 381 45 978 43 565 46 375 46 260 51 108 47 987 51 261
= Gross value added 194 487 201 033 47 566 44 878 51 226 50 818 48 513 47 050 54 003 51 467
- Consumption of fixed capital 55 160 59 951 13 385 13 691 13 899 14 186 14 617 14 869 15 151 15 315
- Compensation of employees paid 45 669 49 202 10 921 11 341 11 588 11 820 11 535 12 331 12 650 12 686
- Taxes on production 4 468 4 423 1 117 1 117 1 117 1 117 1 106 1 106 1 106 1 106
+ Subsidies on production 13 941 14 804 3 485 3 485 3 485 3 485 3 701 3 701 3 701 3 701
= Mixed income 103 131 102 261 25 629 22 215 28 107 27 181 24 956 22 446 28 798 26 062
+ Compensation of employees 963 620 1 050 193 233 969 236 861 243 029 249 761 252 163 264 259 265 845 267 927
+ Property income received 77 516 96 972 17 064 21 591 18 322 20 540 22 490 27 518 23 772 23 193
Amount due to dividends 17 652 16 893 3 530 7 061 2 648 4 414 3 525 7 050 2 397 3 921
- Property income paid 97 564 130 603 20 922 22 828 25 423 28 391 30 201 32 294 34 527 33 581
+ Correction for FISIM 40 828 48 690 9 581 10 161 10 191 10 894 10 580 11 534 11 519 15 057
= Primary income 1 087 531 1 167 513 265 321 267 999 274 227 279 984 279 987 293 463 295 406 298 657
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 278 422 297 354 65 908 69 012 70 670 72 832 69 379 73 635 75 490 78 851
+ Benefits from pension funds 29 945 34 049 7 528 7 406 7 446 7 565 8 442 8 567 8 476 8 565
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 27 815 30 056 6 856 7 054 6 912 6 993 7 361 7 607 7 502 7 586
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 444 198 477 514 106 455 110 487 113 166 114 089 114 975 119 216 122 008 121 314
- Contributions to pension funds 56 600 63 464 14 147 14 151 14 151 14 152 15 862 15 867 15 868 15 868
- Other current transfers paid, net 4 024 4 111 340 1 240 1 156 1 288 338 1 239 1 193 1 340
= Disposable income 918 891 983 883 224 671 225 594 230 781 237 844 233 994 246 949 247 803 255 137
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 26 636 29 415 6 593 6 779 6 719 6 545 7 476 7 254 7 424 7 261
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 941 593 992 349 218 814 232 400 239 539 250 840 232 607 247 522 252 508 259 712
= Saving, net 3 934 20 949 12 450 -27 -2 038 -6 450 8 863 6 681 2 720 2 685
+ Capital transfers, net -2 576 -1 973 -644 -644 -644 -644 -493 -493 -493 -493
- Investment in non-financial capital 65 585 59 386 16 539 16 685 15 395 16 966 16 528 15 852 14 010 12 996
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) -64 227 -40 410 -4 733 -17 356 -18 078 -24 060 -8 158 -9 665 -11 783 -10 804
Savings ratio (per cent) 0.4 2.1 5.5 -0.0 -0.9 -2.7 3.8 2.7 1.1 1.1
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) -1.5 0.4 4.0 -3.2 -2.1 -4.7 2.3 -0.2 0.1 -0.5
Disposable income excluding dividends 901 239 966 990 221 142 218 533 228 134 233 430 230 469 239 899 245 406 251 216
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 824 429 849 842 203 435 202 276 207 514 211 203 205 371 214 876 213 227 216 367
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 808 749 835 326 200 276 195 981 205 171 207 321 202 302 208 768 211 189 213 067
Savings in 2000 prices, net 3 530 18 095 10 788 -23 -1 754 -5 482 7 730 5 777 2 326 2 263