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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 4. quarter 2008
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:1 07:2 07:3 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4
Output, producers' price 372 786 397 649 91 734 91 834 93 363 95 696 96 720 99 225 100 458 101 165
- Intermediate consumption 178 299 196 616 42 847 43 645 45 253 46 410 47 022 48 525 49 873 51 086
= Gross value added 194 487 201 033 48 887 48 189 48 110 49 286 49 697 50 700 50 586 50 079
- Consumption of fixed capital 55 160 59 951 13 326 13 668 13 923 14 246 14 556 14 847 15 167 15 386
- Compensation of employees paid 45 669 49 202 11 220 11 345 11 417 11 713 11 952 12 186 12 461 12 604
- Taxes on production 4 468 4 423 1 050 1 102 1 161 1 129 1 093 1 091 1 104 1 176
+ Subsidies on production 13 941 14 804 3 520 3 468 3 437 3 517 3 641 3 682 3 686 3 686
= Mixed income 103 131 102 261 26 810 25 542 25 047 25 716 25 738 26 258 25 539 24 599
+ Compensation of employees 963 620 1 050 193 232 290 238 042 243 046 250 364 255 419 260 287 265 748 268 670
+ Property income received 77 516 96 972 16 625 18 667 19 919 21 161 22 123 22 939 25 467 26 391
Amount due to dividends 17 652 16 893 3 443 4 264 5 070 4 880 4 228 3 986 3 668 3 641
- Property income paid 97 564 130 603 20 990 22 789 25 435 28 299 30 357 32 264 34 465 33 481
+ Correction for FISIM 40 828 48 690 9 373 9 933 10 375 11 203 10 350 11 274 11 724 15 490
= Primary income 1 087 531 1 167 513 264 108 269 394 272 952 280 145 283 274 288 493 294 014 301 670
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 278 422 297 354 68 562 68 886 70 183 70 812 72 028 73 548 74 937 76 717
+ Benefits from pension funds 29 945 34 049 7 329 7 407 7 495 7 778 8 131 8 462 8 737 8 777
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 27 815 30 056 6 763 6 939 7 008 7 115 7 280 7 452 7 603 7 733
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 444 198 477 514 107 647 109 745 112 069 114 698 116 287 118 436 120 792 121 956
- Contributions to pension funds 56 600 63 464 13 588 13 974 14 439 14 751 15 299 15 687 16 123 16 568
- Other current transfers paid, net 4 024 4 111 878 1 019 977 1 041 1 122 1 030 1 206 1 241
= Disposable income 918 891 983 883 224 648 227 888 230 152 235 360 238 004 242 802 247 169 255 132
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 26 636 29 415 6 337 6 680 6 962 7 026 7 084 7 227 7 037 6 924
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 941 593 992 349 230 065 233 313 235 936 242 561 245 519 246 642 248 526 250 562
= Saving, net 3 934 20 949 920 1 255 1 178 -175 -431 3 387 5 681 11 493
+ Capital transfers, net -2 576 -1 973 -577 -642 -700 -617 -509 -493 -510 -591
- Investment in non-financial capital 65 585 59 386 16 317 16 434 16 367 16 538 16 247 15 606 14 807 12 775
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) -64 227 -40 410 -15 975 -15 821 -15 888 -17 330 -17 187 -12 712 -9 636 -1 873
Savings ratio (per cent) 0.4 2.1 0.4 0.6 0.5 -0.1 -0.2 1.4 2.3 4.5
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) -1.5 0.4 -1.1 -1.3 -1.7 -2.2 -2.0 -0.3 0.8 3.1
Disposable income excluding dividends 901 239 966 990 221 205 223 624 225 083 230 480 233 776 238 816 243 502 251 491
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 824 429 849 842 203 414 204 333 206 949 208 997 208 891 211 268 212 681 216 363
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 808 008 835 880 200 333 200 547 202 427 204 701 205 205 207 825 209 550 213 301
Savings in 2000 prices, net 3 530 18 095 797 1 077 1 014 -149 -376 2 929 4 857 9 685