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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 1. quarter 2009
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:2 07:3 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1
Output, producers' price 372 786 399 055 90 856 94 791 97 192 94 853 98 879 102 837 102 486 99 351
- Intermediate consumption 178 299 198 590 45 977 43 566 46 375 46 443 51 985 48 598 51 564 49 880
= Gross value added 194 487 200 465 44 879 51 225 50 817 48 410 46 894 54 239 50 922 49 471
- Consumption of fixed capital 55 160 59 797 13 691 13 898 14 187 14 577 14 830 15 116 15 274 15 554
- Compensation of employees paid 45 669 49 270 11 341 11 588 11 820 11 542 12 385 12 711 12 632 12 207
- Taxes on production 4 468 4 360 1 117 1 117 1 117 1 090 1 090 1 090 1 090 953
+ Subsidies on production 13 941 14 800 3 485 3 485 3 485 3 700 3 700 3 700 3 700 3 616
= Mixed income 103 131 101 838 22 216 28 107 27 178 24 900 22 289 29 023 25 626 24 374
+ Compensation of employees 963 620 1 050 148 236 861 243 029 249 761 252 445 264 328 265 471 267 903 269 850
+ Property income received 77 516 98 131 21 400 18 491 20 641 22 322 26 943 24 267 24 600 18 465
Amount due to dividends 17 652 16 893 7 061 2 648 4 414 3 379 6 757 2 534 4 223 1 218
- Property income paid 97 564 131 052 22 834 25 418 28 377 30 208 32 295 34 520 34 030 26 079
+ Correction for FISIM 40 828 46 101 10 161 10 191 10 894 10 600 11 401 11 235 12 866 13 503
= Primary income 1 087 531 1 165 166 267 804 274 400 280 098 280 060 292 666 295 476 296 965 300 112
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 278 422 297 768 69 012 70 670 72 832 69 460 73 716 75 572 79 020 75 289
+ Benefits from pension funds 29 945 34 231 7 407 7 446 7 564 8 486 8 616 8 517 8 611 9 169
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 27 815 30 158 7 055 6 912 6 993 7 385 7 632 7 527 7 614 7 896
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 444 198 477 436 110 487 113 166 114 090 115 092 119 229 121 827 121 288 122 714
- Contributions to pension funds 56 600 63 666 14 151 14 150 14 151 15 913 15 918 15 918 15 918 18 244
- Other current transfers paid, net 4 024 4 086 1 240 1 156 1 288 332 1 238 1 181 1 335 363
= Disposable income 918 891 982 135 225 399 230 955 237 958 234 055 246 244 248 167 253 669 251 145
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 26 636 29 415 6 740 6 699 6 582 7 434 7 286 7 403 7 292 9 075
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 941 593 991 419 232 400 239 539 250 840 232 479 247 552 252 366 259 023 235 899
= Saving, net 3 934 20 131 -261 -1 884 -6 299 9 010 5 978 3 204 1 938 24 321
+ Capital transfers, net -2 576 -1 973 -644 -644 -644 -493 -493 -493 -493 -616
- Investment in non-financial capital 65 585 60 212 16 686 15 396 16 965 16 539 15 816 13 878 13 980 12 917
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) -64 227 -42 054 -17 591 -17 924 -23 909 -8 022 -10 330 -11 167 -12 535 10 789
Savings ratio (per cent) 0.4 2.0 -0.1 -0.8 -2.6 3.8 2.4 1.3 0.8 9.7
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) -1.5 0.3 -3.4 -2.0 -4.6 2.4 -0.3 0.3 -0.9 9.2
Disposable income excluding dividends 901 239 965 242 218 338 228 308 233 544 230 676 239 487 245 633 249 446 249 927
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 824 429 848 323 202 101 207 671 211 304 205 379 214 263 213 535 215 147 213 237
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 808 748 833 825 195 806 205 328 207 422 202 440 208 410 211 382 211 592 212 202
Savings in 2000 prices, net 3 530 17 388 -224 -1 622 -5 356 7 852 5 166 2 738 1 632 20 650