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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 1. quarter 2009
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 07:2 07:3 07:4 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1
Output, producers' price 372 786 399 055 91 775 93 152 95 702 97 165 99 853 100 960 100 956 101 846
- Intermediate consumption 178 299 198 590 43 694 44 929 46 228 47 669 49 356 50 171 51 316 51 273
= Gross value added 194 487 200 465 48 081 48 224 49 474 49 496 50 497 50 788 49 639 50 573
- Consumption of fixed capital 55 160 59 797 13 643 13 918 14 231 14 510 14 837 15 129 15 318 15 553
- Compensation of employees paid 45 669 49 270 11 248 11 387 11 696 11 979 12 280 12 481 12 522 12 665
- Taxes on production 4 468 4 360 1 112 1 157 1 119 1 061 1 084 1 065 1 063 994
+ Subsidies on production 13 941 14 800 3 470 3 437 3 512 3 637 3 683 3 684 3 674 3 665
= Mixed income 103 131 101 838 25 548 25 198 25 940 25 583 25 980 25 797 24 411 25 025
+ Compensation of employees 963 620 1 050 148 238 234 243 153 249 785 256 054 260 551 265 492 267 836 268 231
+ Property income received 77 516 98 131 18 204 20 785 21 895 23 604 21 607 24 623 22 588 21 273
Amount due to dividends 17 652 16 893 4 349 5 122 5 014 4 217 4 015 3 682 3 218 2 083
- Property income paid 97 564 131 052 23 177 25 389 27 723 30 251 32 993 34 468 32 885 26 867
+ Correction for FISIM 40 828 46 101 9 862 10 522 11 127 10 382 11 043 11 633 13 091 13 260
= Primary income 1 087 531 1 165 166 268 671 274 270 281 022 285 371 286 189 293 076 295 041 300 922
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 278 422 297 768 68 865 70 248 70 884 71 968 73 624 75 091 76 956 77 962
+ Benefits from pension funds 29 945 34 231 7 426 7 547 7 682 8 366 8 496 8 630 8 749 8 894
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 27 815 30 158 6 936 6 998 7 107 7 325 7 470 7 620 7 751 7 841
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 444 198 477 436 109 730 112 081 114 751 116 355 118 427 120 625 122 001 124 070
- Contributions to pension funds 56 600 63 666 13 953 14 340 14 812 15 245 15 714 16 129 16 594 17 552
- Other current transfers paid, net 4 024 4 086 1 034 940 1 032 1 062 1 021 1 164 1 154 848
= Disposable income 918 891 982 135 227 182 231 702 236 100 240 369 240 617 246 499 248 748 253 151
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 26 636 29 415 6 588 6 928 6 900 7 049 7 231 7 455 7 934 8 460
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 941 593 991 419 233 196 235 705 242 039 246 649 246 596 247 941 249 210 249 386
= Saving, net 3 934 20 131 574 2 925 961 769 1 252 6 013 7 471 12 225
+ Capital transfers, net -2 576 -1 973 -645 -690 -608 -494 -498 -500 -549 -541
- Investment in non-financial capital 65 585 60 212 16 461 16 541 16 374 16 221 15 603 14 868 13 557 12 642
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) -64 227 -42 054 -16 533 -14 306 -16 022 -15 946 -14 850 -9 355 -6 634 -958
Savings ratio (per cent) 0.4 2.0 0.3 1.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 2.4 3.0 4.8
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) -1.5 0.3 -1.7 -1.0 -1.8 -1.5 -1.2 1.0 1.7 4.0
Disposable income excluding dividends 901 239 965 242 222 833 226 580 231 087 236 152 236 602 242 817 245 530 251 067
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 824 429 848 323 203 700 208 342 209 654 210 919 209 367 212 100 210 972 214 940
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 809 112 830 375 199 837 203 773 205 240 207 246 205 899 208 959 208 270 213 171
Savings in 2000 prices, net 3 530 17 388 492 2 518 817 670 1 082 5 138 6 293 10 379