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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 3. quarter 2009
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2007 2008 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3
Output, producers' price 359 319 382 087 93 374 96 017 96 199 96 472 96 983 97 081 98 326
- Intermediate consumption 161 444 178 745 43 890 45 143 44 627 45 051 45 976 45 873 45 977
= Gross value added 197 875 203 342 49 484 50 874 51 572 51 420 51 007 51 209 52 350
- Consumption of fixed capital 55 680 61 510 14 902 15 227 15 576 15 807 15 918 16 034 16 259
- Compensation of employees paid 44 593 47 805 11 614 11 972 12 071 12 137 12 179 12 217 12 386
- Taxes on production 4 162 4 244 1 025 1 055 1 047 1 071 1 040 1 036 1 046
+ Subsidies on production 14 999 14 235 3 615 3 550 3 530 3 593 3 691 3 742 3 779
= Mixed income 108 439 104 018 25 558 26 170 26 408 26 000 25 561 25 664 26 437
+ Compensation of employees 966 595 1 055 230 252 515 265 088 267 303 270 216 271 444 271 815 274 496
+ Property income received 80 266 99 487 23 591 24 941 25 589 25 284 18 643 17 309 15 590
Amount due to dividends 18 523 24 080 5 566 5 978 6 342 6 294 3 937 4 223 4 472
- Property income paid 95 305 128 699 29 707 32 154 33 674 33 101 25 570 21 461 19 289
+ Correction for FISIM 32 695 41 454 8 993 9 607 10 075 12 874 11 949 12 477 13 171
= Primary income 1 092 690 1 171 490 280 951 293 651 295 701 301 273 302 027 305 805 310 405
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 278 344 298 082 72 336 73 475 75 022 77 128 78 401 81 043 82 133
+ Benefits from pension funds 30 908 33 395 7 914 8 425 8 458 8 621 8 151 8 296 8 523
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 28 816 31 241 7 585 7 746 7 890 8 026 8 137 8 318 8 486
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 444 297 476 513 116 064 117 877 120 710 121 803 122 815 123 580 123 676
- Contributions to pension funds 57 167 63 770 15 442 15 787 15 938 15 972 15 930 15 821 15 735
- Other current transfers paid, net 2 984 2 983 710 754 761 754 762 790 800
= Disposable income 926 310 990 942 236 570 248 879 249 661 256 519 257 209 263 270 269 336
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 27 685 30 352 7 299 7 417 7 442 7 608 7 557 7 466 7 433
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 940 067 987 313 245 995 245 906 247 038 247 581 247 287 251 823 255 090
= Saving, net 13 928 33 981 -2 126 10 390 10 065 16 547 17 479 18 913 21 679
+ Capital transfers, net -2 576 -1 973 -505 -498 -472 -520 -478 -499 -523
- Investment in non-financial capital 64 127 54 094 14 896 14 161 13 415 11 699 10 216 8 780 7 384
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) -52 775 -22 086 -17 526 -4 268 -3 822 4 328 6 784 9 635 13 771
Savings ratio (per cent) 1.5 3.4 -0.9 4.2 4.0 6.5 6.8 7.2 8.0
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) -0.5 1.0 -3.3 1.8 1.5 4.1 5.3 5.7 6.5
Disposable income excluding dividends 907 787 966 862 231 004 242 901 243 319 250 225 253 273 259 047 264 864
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 827 345 853 265 203 702 214 301 214 974 220 880 217 013 220 490 226 088
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 810 367 833 037 198 910 209 154 209 513 215 460 213 691 216 953 222 334
Savings in 2000 prices, net 12 440 29 260 -1 830 8 947 8 666 14 248 14 747 15 840 18 198