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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 4. quarter 2009
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2008 2009 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3 09:4
Output, producers' price 382 087 390 648 90 883 94 882 97 882 98 439 94 371 95 830 99 894 100 553
- Intermediate consumption 178 745 181 903 41 805 47 145 43 407 46 387 43 791 47 865 44 523 45 724
= Gross value added 203 342 208 745 49 078 47 737 54 475 52 052 50 580 47 965 55 371 54 829
- Consumption of fixed capital 61 510 64 426 14 967 15 238 15 536 15 768 15 973 16 047 16 193 16 213
- Compensation of employees paid 47 805 49 095 11 205 12 038 12 269 12 293 11 743 12 271 12 519 12 562
- Taxes on production 4 244 4 250 1 061 1 061 1 061 1 061 1 063 1 063 1 063 1 063
+ Subsidies on production 14 235 15 134 3 559 3 559 3 559 3 559 3 784 3 784 3 784 3 784
= Mixed income 104 018 106 108 25 404 22 958 29 167 26 489 25 585 22 368 29 381 28 775
+ Compensation of employees 1 055 230 1 089 817 253 290 264 335 267 674 269 932 269 423 269 818 273 738 276 838
+ Property income received 99 487 69 844 22 505 28 349 23 690 24 944 17 841 19 199 14 546 18 258
Amount due to dividends 24 080 18 653 4 821 9 615 3 623 6 021 3 399 6 796 2 548 5 910
- Property income paid 128 699 81 696 29 671 31 700 33 918 33 409 25 524 21 053 19 465 15 655
+ Correction for FISIM 41 454 49 440 9 008 9 819 9 807 12 820 12 070 12 663 12 626 12 080
= Primary income 1 171 490 1 233 513 280 535 293 761 296 419 300 775 299 395 302 995 310 826 320 297
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 298 082 326 223 69 534 73 794 75 651 79 103 75 532 81 600 82 946 86 145
+ Benefits from pension funds 33 395 33 419 8 250 8 418 8 300 8 427 8 426 8 262 8 300 8 432
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 31 241 33 458 7 661 7 894 7 789 7 896 8 189 8 476 8 337 8 456
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 476 513 498 506 114 760 118 382 122 046 121 325 121 761 124 656 126 231 125 858
- Contributions to pension funds 63 770 60 665 15 939 15 943 15 944 15 944 15 163 15 167 15 167 15 167
- Other current transfers paid, net 2 983 2 985 3 998 921 1 061 -52 1 021 935 1 081
= Disposable income 990 942 1 064 457 235 278 248 545 249 248 257 871 254 671 260 488 268 075 281 222
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 30 352 27 246 7 682 7 520 7 638 7 511 6 742 6 898 6 864 6 741
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 987 313 1 012 253 231 977 246 358 250 937 258 042 234 272 250 628 259 394 267 960
= Saving, net 33 981 79 450 10 984 9 707 5 949 7 341 27 142 16 759 15 545 20 004
+ Capital transfers, net -1 973 -2 431 -493 -493 -493 -493 -608 -608 -608 -608
- Investment in non-financial capital 54 094 33 662 15 027 14 257 12 545 12 266 10 312 8 836 6 933 7 581
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) -22 086 43 357 -4 536 -5 043 -7 089 -5 418 16 222 7 315 8 005 11 815
Savings ratio (per cent) 3.4 7.5 4.7 3.9 2.4 2.8 10.7 6.4 5.8 7.1
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 1.0 5.8 2.7 0.0 0.9 0.5 9.4 3.9 4.9 5.1
Disposable income excluding dividends 966 862 1 045 804 230 457 238 930 245 625 251 850 251 272 253 692 265 527 275 312
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 853 265 894 283 202 590 214 013 214 619 222 044 213 957 218 844 225 218 236 264
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 832 531 878 612 198 438 205 734 211 499 216 859 211 101 213 135 223 078 231 299
Savings in 2000 prices, net 29 260 66 748 9 458 8 358 5 122 6 321 22 803 14 080 13 060 16 806