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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 4. quarter 2009
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2008 2009 08:1 08:2 08:3 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3 09:4
Output, producers' price 382 087 390 648 93 396 95 998 96 177 96 492 96 901 97 002 98 056 98 674
- Intermediate consumption 178 745 181 903 44 019 45 018 44 511 45 174 46 075 45 658 45 659 44 601
= Gross value added 203 342 208 745 49 377 50 979 51 665 51 317 50 826 51 344 52 397 54 073
- Consumption of fixed capital 61 510 64 426 14 913 15 215 15 557 15 828 15 917 16 026 16 209 16 275
- Compensation of employees paid 47 805 49 095 11 617 11 965 12 074 12 139 12 169 12 199 12 312 12 411
- Taxes on production 4 244 4 250 1 023 1 055 1 047 1 073 1 057 1 058 1 068 1 074
+ Subsidies on production 14 235 15 134 3 618 3 546 3 519 3 600 3 723 3 771 3 807 3 792
= Mixed income 104 018 106 108 25 442 26 290 26 507 25 878 25 406 25 832 26 616 28 104
+ Compensation of employees 1 055 230 1 089 817 252 529 265 640 267 422 269 386 269 065 271 095 273 386 276 024
+ Property income received 99 487 69 844 23 595 24 884 26 077 24 817 18 687 17 067 15 921 18 054
Amount due to dividends 24 080 18 653 5 428 5 967 6 259 5 756 4 354 4 177 4 153 5 818
- Property income paid 128 699 81 696 29 812 32 483 33 699 32 486 25 755 21 733 19 239 15 180
+ Correction for FISIM 41 454 49 440 9 337 9 636 9 682 12 773 12 527 12 436 12 418 12 065
= Primary income 1 171 490 1 233 513 281 090 293 967 295 988 300 367 299 931 304 697 309 103 319 067
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 298 082 326 223 72 319 73 472 75 067 77 097 78 553 81 198 82 361 83 892
+ Benefits from pension funds 33 395 33 419 7 914 8 422 8 454 8 630 8 089 8 260 8 453 8 636
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 31 241 33 458 7 599 7 747 7 889 8 013 8 135 8 302 8 442 8 584
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 476 513 498 506 116 043 117 884 120 709 121 815 123 132 124 185 124 806 126 364
- Contributions to pension funds 63 770 60 665 15 349 15 851 16 009 15 756 15 378 15 050 14 887 15 332
- Other current transfers paid, net 2 983 2 985 833 730 913 758 649 759 763 699
= Disposable income 990 942 1 064 457 236 697 249 143 249 766 255 778 255 548 262 462 267 903 277 785
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 30 352 27 246 7 307 7 526 7 487 7 324 7 065 6 762 6 585 6 760
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 987 313 1 012 253 246 071 246 019 246 819 247 404 247 515 251 759 254 837 257 137
= Saving, net 33 981 79 450 -2 067 10 649 10 434 15 697 15 098 17 466 19 652 27 407
+ Capital transfers, net -1 973 -2 431 -492 -493 -480 -532 -575 -608 -636 -607
- Investment in non-financial capital 54 094 33 662 14 771 14 152 13 723 11 564 10 111 8 787 7 607 7 127
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) -22 086 43 357 -17 330 -3 995 -3 769 3 602 4 413 8 071 11 409 19 674
Savings ratio (per cent) 3.4 7.5 -0.9 4.3 4.2 6.1 5.9 6.7 7.3 9.9
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 1.0 5.8 -3.2 1.9 1.7 4.0 4.3 5.1 5.9 7.9
Disposable income excluding dividends 966 862 1 045 804 231 269 243 176 243 507 250 022 251 194 258 286 263 750 271 967
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 853 265 894 283 203 811 214 528 215 065 220 241 214 694 220 503 225 074 233 375
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 833 488 878 102 199 137 209 390 209 676 215 285 211 036 216 994 221 585 228 488
Savings in 2000 prices, net 29 260 66 748 -1 780 9 170 8 985 13 517 12 684 14 673 16 510 23 025