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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 2. quarter 2010
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2008 2009 08:4 09:1 09:2 09:3 09:4 10:1 10:2
Output, producers' price 387 113 397 975 97 953 98 282 98 522 99 933 101 159 102 214 103 420
- Intermediate consumption 177 295 183 053 45 068 45 914 45 614 46 023 45 617 47 128 47 282
= Gross value added 209 818 214 922 52 886 52 368 52 909 53 909 55 542 55 086 56 138
- Consumption of fixed capital 61 535 63 902 15 752 15 857 15 920 16 024 16 095 16 206 16 357
- Compensation of employees paid 48 350 49 909 12 303 12 312 12 361 12 523 12 702 12 883 13 053
- Taxes on production 4 234 4 389 1 075 1 087 1 099 1 106 1 087 1 056 1 044
+ Subsidies on production 15 154 15 735 3 819 3 886 3 931 3 943 3 892 3 772 3 749
= Mixed income 110 853 112 457 27 576 26 998 27 459 28 199 29 550 28 713 29 433
+ Compensation of employees 1 056 711 1 089 915 269 546 268 606 271 263 273 618 276 116 276 888 277 510
+ Property income received 96 689 72 148 24 299 19 371 18 581 16 383 17 585 18 032 19 410
Amount due to dividends 26 523 24 837 6 927 6 201 5 963 5 879 6 879 6 290 6 430
- Property income paid 128 904 86 125 32 872 25 675 21 680 19 543 19 243 20 322 21 589
+ Correction for FISIM 40 961 48 947 12 703 12 292 12 243 12 307 12 159 12 675 12 715
= Primary income 1 176 310 1 237 342 301 252 301 592 307 867 310 962 316 167 315 986 317 479
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 298 309 326 511 77 145 78 614 81 321 82 455 83 892 84 916 85 769
+ Benefits from pension funds 32 704 32 232 8 218 8 026 8 036 8 074 8 087 8 090 8 079
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 31 542 33 785 8 085 8 217 8 390 8 525 8 635 8 667 8 795
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 477 307 498 179 121 674 123 096 124 188 124 881 125 990 126 593 127 038
- Contributions to pension funds 66 185 63 830 16 430 16 042 15 861 15 765 15 906 15 957 15 892
- Other current transfers paid, net 2 958 3 941 819 840 981 1 014 964 992 1 021
= Disposable income 992 415 1 063 920 255 777 256 470 264 585 268 355 273 920 274 117 276 171
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 33 480 31 597 8 687 7 582 7 820 8 028 8 167 7 555 7 802
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 988 810 1 015 261 248 565 246 279 252 962 256 097 259 146 265 533 262 130
= Saving, net 37 085 80 256 15 898 17 773 19 442 20 286 22 941 16 139 21 842
+ Capital transfers, net -1 973 -2 431 -532 -573 -609 -635 -612 -609 -609
- Investment in non-financial capital 53 311 32 004 11 488 9 906 8 233 6 983 6 859 6 479 7 001
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) -18 199 45 821 3 878 7 294 10 600 12 669 15 470 9 051 14 233
Savings ratio (per cent) 3.7 7.5 6.2 6.9 7.3 7.6 8.4 5.9 7.9
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 1.1 5.3 3.6 4.6 5.2 5.5 6.0 3.7 5.7
Disposable income excluding dividends 965 892 1 039 083 248 850 250 269 258 621 262 476 267 041 267 827 269 740
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 855 983 895 123 220 614 215 779 222 607 225 779 230 461 226 123 227 567
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 833 461 873 658 214 639 210 562 217 590 220 833 224 673 220 934 222 269
Savings in 2000 prices, net 31 987 67 523 13 712 14 954 16 358 17 068 19 301 13 313 17 998