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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 4. quarter 2010
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2009 2010 09:2 09:3 09:4 10:1 10:2 10:3 10:4
Output, producers' price 397 975 419 439 97 298 101 669 103 160 99 742 102 430 107 957 109 310
- Intermediate consumption 183 053 191 422 47 787 44 684 46 619 45 338 49 946 46 886 49 253
= Gross value added 214 922 228 017 49 510 56 985 56 542 54 404 52 484 61 071 60 058
- Consumption of fixed capital 63 902 66 021 15 908 16 026 16 096 16 306 16 453 16 559 16 703
- Compensation of employees paid 49 909 52 890 12 430 12 714 12 860 12 442 13 182 13 593 13 674
- Taxes on production 4 389 4 537 1 097 1 097 1 097 1 134 1 134 1 134 1 134
+ Subsidies on production 15 735 16 412 3 934 3 934 3 934 4 103 4 103 4 103 4 103
= Mixed income 112 457 120 981 24 008 31 082 30 422 28 625 25 819 33 887 32 650
+ Compensation of employees 1 089 915 1 132 685 269 862 274 177 277 033 275 722 278 330 286 739 291 894
+ Property income received 72 148 77 692 21 430 14 789 17 607 17 604 23 450 16 874 19 765
Amount due to dividends 24 837 27 872 9 934 3 726 6 210 5 575 11 148 4 181 6 968
- Property income paid 86 125 84 808 21 193 19 590 19 634 20 186 20 883 21 634 22 105
+ Correction for FISIM 48 947 50 624 12 513 12 476 12 031 12 353 12 901 12 914 12 457
= Primary income 1 237 342 1 297 174 306 620 312 934 317 458 314 119 319 616 328 780 334 660
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 326 511 344 435 81 687 83 033 86 172 81 486 86 225 86 751 89 972
+ Benefits from pension funds 32 232 33 824 7 975 8 019 8 136 8 483 8 351 8 411 8 580
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 33 785 35 471 8 558 8 418 8 541 8 685 8 983 8 833 8 969
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 498 179 517 224 124 525 126 195 125 771 124 656 128 458 132 082 132 028
- Contributions to pension funds 63 830 64 074 15 958 15 959 15 959 16 014 16 019 16 020 16 020
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 941 4 384 1 222 1 176 1 320 291 1 340 1 300 1 453
= Disposable income 1 063 920 1 125 222 263 135 269 074 277 257 271 812 277 357 283 373 292 679
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 31 597 30 250 7 983 7 940 7 823 7 533 7 665 7 607 7 445
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 1 015 261 1 072 575 251 476 260 345 268 882 254 817 261 660 272 234 283 864
= Saving, net 80 256 82 897 19 642 16 668 16 198 24 528 23 362 18 747 16 260
+ Capital transfers, net -2 431 -2 377 -608 -608 -608 -594 -594 -594 -594
- Investment in non-financial capital 32 004 29 695 8 304 6 455 7 261 6 783 7 136 6 668 9 108
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) 45 821 50 825 10 731 9 606 8 328 17 150 15 631 11 486 6 558
Savings ratio (per cent) 7.5 7.4 7.5 6.2 5.8 9.0 8.4 6.6 5.6
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 5.3 5.0 3.8 4.9 3.7 7.1 4.6 5.2 3.3
Disposable income excluding dividends 1 039 083 1 097 350 253 201 265 348 271 047 266 237 266 209 279 192 285 711
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 895 122 928 693 221 387 226 383 233 268 224 338 228 915 233 880 241 561
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 874 226 905 689 213 029 223 249 228 044 219 736 219 714 230 429 235 810
Savings in 2000 prices, net 67 523 68 418 16 526 14 024 13 628 20 244 19 281 15 473 13 420