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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 1. quarter 2011
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2009 2010 09:3 09:4 10:1 10:2 10:3 10:4 11:1
Output, producers' price 395 077 417 221 100 779 102 509 99 357 102 260 107 136 108 468 105 026
- Intermediate consumption 181 220 189 279 44 106 46 205 44 979 49 357 46 265 48 678 47 612
= Gross value added 213 857 227 942 56 673 56 305 54 378 52 902 60 871 59 790 57 415
- Consumption of fixed capital 63 887 66 128 16 023 16 097 16 313 16 474 16 586 16 755 17 056
- Compensation of employees paid 49 579 52 614 12 612 12 786 12 397 13 162 13 499 13 556 13 199
- Taxes on production 4 388 4 536 1 097 1 097 1 134 1 134 1 134 1 134 1 041
+ Subsidies on production 15 736 16 416 3 934 3 934 4 104 4 104 4 104 4 104 3 751
= Mixed income 111 739 121 080 30 874 30 259 28 638 26 237 33 756 32 449 29 869
+ Compensation of employees 1 089 916 1 134 743 274 177 277 033 275 961 279 108 287 343 292 331 291 891
+ Property income received 72 148 77 644 14 789 17 607 17 604 23 450 16 874 19 717 18 926
Amount due to dividends 24 837 27 872 3 726 6 210 5 575 11 148 4 181 6 968 6 133
- Property income paid 86 125 84 806 19 590 19 634 20 186 20 883 21 634 22 103 22 122
+ Correction for FISIM 48 947 50 623 12 476 12 031 12 353 12 901 12 914 12 456 12 431
= Primary income 1 236 625 1 299 284 312 726 317 295 314 370 320 812 329 252 334 850 330 995
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 326 511 345 156 83 033 86 172 81 661 86 404 86 930 90 160 87 627
+ Benefits from pension funds 32 232 34 103 8 018 8 136 8 551 8 432 8 476 8 644 8 705
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 33 785 35 471 8 418 8 541 8 689 8 987 8 837 8 959 9 120
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 498 179 517 456 126 195 125 771 124 604 128 419 132 243 132 190 130 911
- Contributions to pension funds 63 830 64 586 15 959 15 959 16 143 16 147 16 148 16 148 16 147
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 941 3 008 1 176 1 320 -94 1 039 969 1 094 -124
= Disposable income 1 063 203 1 128 964 268 866 277 094 272 618 279 029 284 136 293 181 289 512
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 31 597 30 484 7 940 7 823 7 592 7 716 7 672 7 504 7 442
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 1 015 261 1 073 247 260 345 268 882 254 815 261 923 272 490 284 019 260 962
= Saving, net 79 539 86 201 16 461 16 035 25 395 24 822 19 318 16 666 35 992
+ Capital transfers, net -2 431 -2 377 -608 -608 -594 -594 -594 -594 -594
- Investment in non-financial capital 33 848 33 781 6 952 7 821 7 611 8 192 7 788 10 191 11 736
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) 43 260 50 043 8 901 7 606 17 190 16 036 10 937 5 881 23 662
Savings ratio (per cent) 7.5 7.6 6.1 5.8 9.3 8.9 6.8 5.7 12.4
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 5.3 5.3 4.8 3.6 7.4 5.1 5.4 3.4 10.5
Disposable income excluding dividends 1 038 366 1 101 092 265 141 270 885 267 043 267 881 279 955 286 213 283 379
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 894 529 931 618 226 211 233 134 224 963 230 254 234 468 241 932 235 171
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 873 633 908 618 223 077 227 910 220 363 221 055 231 018 236 182 230 189
Savings in 2000 prices, net 66 920 71 133 13 849 13 491 20 956 20 483 15 942 13 752 29 237