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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 2. quarter 2011
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2009 2010 09:4 10:1 10:2 10:3 10:4 11:1 11:2
Output, producers' price 395 077 417 221 100 444 101 868 103 649 105 265 106 331 107 831 108 569
- Intermediate consumption 181 220 189 279 45 661 46 507 47 022 47 635 48 154 49 273 49 563
= Gross value added 213 857 227 942 54 783 55 361 56 628 57 631 58 177 58 559 59 007
- Consumption of fixed capital 63 887 66 128 16 126 16 280 16 453 16 605 16 798 17 036 17 251
- Compensation of employees paid 49 579 52 614 12 634 12 832 13 080 13 284 13 408 13 652 13 787
- Taxes on production 4 388 4 536 1 109 1 127 1 141 1 146 1 121 1 059 1 050
+ Subsidies on production 15 736 16 416 3 998 4 029 4 128 4 155 4 099 3 748 3 782
= Mixed income 111 739 121 080 28 912 29 151 30 082 30 752 30 950 30 561 30 701
+ Compensation of employees 1 089 916 1 134 743 275 788 276 445 280 935 286 269 290 790 294 751 296 410
+ Property income received 72 148 77 644 18 142 18 399 19 660 20 167 20 167 19 772 21 288
Amount due to dividends 24 837 27 872 6 546 6 673 6 819 7 030 7 379 7 247 7 520
- Property income paid 86 125 84 806 19 329 20 180 21 249 21 614 21 753 22 181 22 739
+ Correction for FISIM 48 947 50 623 12 162 12 594 12 700 12 709 12 659 12 603 12 298
= Primary income 1 236 625 1 299 284 315 674 316 409 322 128 328 283 332 812 335 506 337 958
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 326 511 345 156 84 027 84 763 85 887 86 532 87 875 90 956 90 798
+ Benefits from pension funds 32 232 34 103 8 215 8 319 8 476 8 589 8 728 8 489 8 581
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 33 785 35 471 8 659 8 653 8 803 8 936 9 084 9 222 9 368
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 498 179 517 456 125 707 126 477 128 234 130 542 132 127 133 670 135 103
- Contributions to pension funds 63 830 64 586 15 957 16 078 16 071 16 094 16 118 16 109 16 067
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 941 3 008 893 764 735 670 709 701 742
= Disposable income 1 063 203 1 128 964 274 018 274 824 280 253 285 033 289 545 293 693 294 792
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 31 597 30 484 8 007 7 502 7 632 7 688 7 616 7 390 7 530
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 1 015 261 1 073 247 258 655 266 806 264 385 268 580 273 365 273 853 277 758
= Saving, net 79 539 86 201 23 370 15 520 23 500 24 142 23 796 27 230 24 565
+ Capital transfers, net -2 431 -2 377 -610 -597 -593 -586 -591 -601 -593
- Investment in non-financial capital 33 848 33 781 7 413 7 494 8 074 8 512 9 664 11 562 13 477
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) 43 260 50 043 15 348 7 429 14 833 15 044 13 541 15 067 10 495
Savings ratio (per cent) 7.5 7.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 5.3 5.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Disposable income excluding dividends 1 038 366 1 101 092 267 472 268 151 273 434 278 003 282 166 286 446 287 272
Disposable real income in 2000 prices 894 529 931 618 230 546 226 784 231 264 235 209 238 932 238 542 239 907
Disposable income excl dividends in 2000 prices 874 100 909 164 225 038 221 277 225 637 229 407 232 842 232 656 233 787
Savings in 2000 prices, net 66 920 71 133 19 662 12 807 19 392 19 922 19 636 22 117 19 991