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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 4. quarter 2011
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 10:2 10:3 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4
Output, producers' price 419 256 442 580 104 448 105 681 106 771 108 793 109 604 111 338 112 813
- Intermediate consumption 194 369 205 050 48 468 48 909 49 422 50 420 50 649 51 565 52 445
= Gross value added 224 887 237 530 55 980 56 772 57 349 58 373 58 955 59 774 60 368
- Consumption of fixed capital 68 134 72 222 16 952 17 092 17 403 17 718 17 952 18 197 18 372
- Compensation of employees paid 48 203 51 021 11 943 12 179 12 283 12 548 12 675 12 819 12 977
- Taxes on production 3 539 3 714 877 896 909 904 922 938 956
+ Subsidies on production 16 861 17 244 4 193 4 257 4 256 4 274 4 291 4 314 4 331
= Mixed income 121 872 127 817 30 400 30 862 31 010 31 478 31 698 32 134 32 393
+ Compensation of employees 1 135 055 1 204 825 281 509 285 099 288 628 295 848 298 556 303 441 306 959
+ Property income received 86 587 99 438 21 631 21 993 22 707 23 280 24 569 25 311 26 292
Amount due to dividends 31 421 37 578 7 667 8 072 8 482 8 631 9 214 10 024 10 791
- Property income paid 92 981 101 986 23 230 23 768 23 916 24 288 24 896 25 901 26 904
+ Correction for FISIM 46 435 47 191 11 805 11 728 11 377 11 504 11 434 11 819 12 401
= Primary income 1 296 968 1 377 285 322 115 325 914 329 805 337 822 341 360 346 805 351 141
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 345 206 366 589 85 802 86 562 88 055 90 643 90 968 92 029 92 913
+ Benefits from pension funds 43 664 46 563 10 844 11 011 11 093 11 408 11 569 11 723 11 878
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 37 473 38 982 9 257 9 441 9 632 9 667 9 671 9 778 9 863
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 517 975 553 956 128 420 130 050 132 194 135 560 137 244 139 656 141 597
- Contributions to pension funds 74 457 82 690 18 426 18 553 19 071 20 218 20 476 20 963 21 292
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 014 4 440 725 737 822 998 1 058 1 129 1 176
= Disposable income 1 127 865 1 188 333 280 448 283 588 286 498 292 764 294 791 298 586 301 729
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 30 794 36 128 7 602 7 518 7 851 8 766 8 865 9 257 9 492
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 1 088 125 1 126 521 267 355 272 202 276 822 278 425 281 715 282 572 283 423
= Saving, net 70 534 97 940 20 695 18 903 17 526 23 105 21 941 25 271 27 798
+ Capital transfers, net -2 377 -1 754 -600 -596 -592 -433 -445 -440 -434
- Investment in non-financial capital 47 486 71 996 11 064 11 970 13 809 16 253 17 788 18 839 19 253
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) 20 671 24 190 9 031 6 337 3 125 6 420 3 707 5 992 8 111
Savings ratio (per cent) 6.3 8.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 3.6 5.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Disposable income excluding dividends 1 096 444 1 150 755 272 781 275 515 278 016 284 133 285 577 288 562 290 938
Disposable real income in 2005 prices 1 010 730 1 051 381 251 322 254 136 256 743 259 024 260 817 264 175 266 956
Disposable income excl dividends in 2005 prices 982 029 1 016 766 244 451 246 902 249 143 251 387 252 665 255 306 257 408
Savings in 2005 prices, net 63 209 86 653 18 546 16 940 15 706 20 442 19 412 22 358 24 594