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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 1. quarter 2012
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 10:3 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1
Output, producers' price 419 256 440 728 105 820 106 751 108 346 109 214 110 655 112 532 114 334
- Intermediate consumption 194 369 205 471 48 953 49 449 50 353 50 687 51 667 52 810 53 748
= Gross value added 224 887 235 257 56 867 57 302 57 993 58 526 58 987 59 722 60 586
- Consumption of fixed capital 68 134 72 488 17 139 17 396 17 696 17 965 18 265 18 562 18 792
- Compensation of employees paid 48 203 50 842 12 196 12 285 12 510 12 636 12 747 12 952 13 138
- Taxes on production 3 539 3 714 892 908 907 935 938 933 792
+ Subsidies on production 16 861 17 244 4 243 4 219 4 280 4 321 4 313 4 250 3 881
= Mixed income 121 872 125 457 30 883 30 932 31 160 31 311 31 349 31 525 31 745
+ Compensation of employees 1 135 055 1 206 355 285 232 289 019 295 777 298 707 304 606 307 272 315 209
+ Property income received 86 587 99 438 21 919 22 440 23 447 24 332 24 938 25 585 25 427
Amount due to dividends 31 421 37 578 8 021 8 253 9 004 9 275 9 565 9 740 9 231
- Property income paid 92 981 101 986 23 795 23 838 24 365 25 089 26 017 27 075 27 397
+ Correction for FISIM 46 435 47 191 11 730 11 342 11 532 11 448 11 819 12 334 12 058
= Primary income 1 296 968 1 376 455 325 969 329 895 337 552 340 709 346 694 349 643 357 042
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 345 206 366 868 86 642 88 252 90 404 91 089 92 246 93 141 95 637
+ Benefits from pension funds 43 664 47 114 10 988 10 945 10 701 10 839 10 907 10 942 10 896
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 37 473 39 167 9 446 9 647 9 689 9 710 9 825 9 948 10 144
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 517 975 553 089 129 924 132 136 133 658 135 282 137 612 139 073 141 928
- Contributions to pension funds 74 457 83 242 18 501 18 457 18 886 18 808 18 723 18 582 18 001
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 014 3 156 728 714 697 733 715 729 716
= Disposable income 1 127 865 1 190 117 283 893 287 432 295 105 297 523 302 621 305 289 313 075
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 30 794 36 128 7 477 7 549 8 110 7 918 7 848 7 811 7 384
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 1 088 125 1 128 592 272 394 277 156 278 072 282 223 283 402 284 720 289 806
= Saving, net 70 534 97 653 18 976 17 825 25 142 23 218 27 067 28 380 30 653
+ Capital transfers, net -2 377 -1 754 -591 -589 -609 -606 -602 -617 -604
- Investment in non-financial capital 47 486 72 123 11 983 13 374 16 521 18 033 18 765 18 796 18 671
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) 20 671 23 776 6 403 3 862 8 013 4 578 7 700 8 967 11 377
Savings ratio (per cent) 6.3 8.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 3.6 5.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Disposable income excluding dividends 1 096 444 1 152 539 275 873 279 180 286 100 288 247 293 056 295 549 303 844
Disposable real income in 2005 prices 1 010 730 1 053 282 254 410 257 581 260 221 262 477 269 100 270 656 275 748
Disposable income excl dividends in 2005 prices 982 550 1 029 191 247 222 250 185 252 281 254 294 260 594 262 022 267 618
Savings in 2005 prices, net 63 209 86 425 17 006 15 974 22 170 20 483 24 069 25 160 26 998