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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 2. quarter 2012
1 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Current prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 10:4 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1 12:2
Output, producers' price 419 256 440 728 108 255 108 126 106 066 112 454 114 083 114 372 110 966
- Intermediate consumption 194 369 205 471 49 603 49 409 53 392 49 685 52 985 53 487 57 020
= Gross value added 224 887 235 257 58 653 58 717 52 674 62 769 61 097 60 885 53 946
- Consumption of fixed capital 68 134 72 488 17 294 17 798 17 995 18 234 18 461 18 841 19 010
- Compensation of employees paid 48 203 50 842 12 403 12 344 12 355 13 077 13 066 13 001 12 918
- Taxes on production 3 539 3 714 885 929 929 929 929 805 805
+ Subsidies on production 16 861 17 244 4 215 4 311 4 311 4 311 4 311 4 007 4 007
= Mixed income 121 872 125 457 32 286 31 958 25 706 34 840 32 953 32 244 25 220
+ Compensation of employees 1 135 055 1 206 355 288 545 297 548 297 261 304 774 306 772 317 664 317 033
+ Property income received 86 587 99 438 21 988 22 306 30 077 21 443 25 612 23 540 30 902
Amount due to dividends 31 421 37 578 7 856 7 517 15 031 5 636 9 395 7 592 15 181
- Property income paid 92 981 101 986 24 231 24 325 24 539 25 767 27 355 27 478 28 480
+ Correction for FISIM 46 435 47 191 11 426 11 387 11 363 11 903 12 538 12 870 13 460
= Primary income 1 296 968 1 376 455 330 014 338 874 339 868 347 193 350 520 358 840 358 135
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 345 206 366 868 90 248 87 492 91 739 92 456 95 182 92 680 96 275
+ Benefits from pension funds 43 664 47 114 10 941 11 725 11 724 11 811 11 855 11 134 11 148
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 37 473 39 167 9 905 9 973 9 532 9 438 10 224 10 597 10 017
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 517 975 553 089 131 951 136 387 136 211 139 849 140 642 143 237 142 736
- Contributions to pension funds 74 457 83 242 18 618 20 806 20 804 20 817 20 815 18 863 18 858
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 014 3 156 1 096 -112 1 096 1 022 1 149 -180 1 081
= Disposable income 1 127 865 1 190 117 289 444 290 982 294 751 299 210 305 174 311 331 312 900
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 30 794 36 128 7 677 9 083 9 082 9 005 8 958 7 729 7 711
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 1 088 125 1 128 592 287 723 266 830 281 449 286 103 294 210 279 927 291 474
= Saving, net 70 534 97 653 9 398 33 235 22 384 22 112 19 922 39 133 29 137
+ Capital transfers, net -2 377 -1 754 -594 -439 -439 -439 -439 -608 -608
- Investment in non-financial capital 47 486 72 123 13 659 16 228 18 814 17 928 19 154 18 286 20 826
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) 20 671 23 776 -4 856 16 569 3 132 3 746 330 20 239 7 704
Savings ratio (per cent) 6.3 8.2 3.2 11.4 7.6 7.4 6.5 12.6 9.3
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 3.6 5.2 0.5 9.1 2.6 5.6 3.6 10.4 4.7
Disposable income excluding dividends 1 096 444 1 152 539 281 589 283 465 279 720 293 574 295 779 303 739 297 719
Disposable real income in 2005 prices 1 010 730 1 053 282 259 384 257 526 260 861 264 808 270 086 273 442 273 679
Disposable income excl dividends in 2005 prices 982 572 1 020 024 252 344 250 874 247 559 259 820 261 772 266 775 260 401
Savings in 2005 prices, net 63 209 86 425 8 422 29 414 19 810 19 570 17 632 34 370 25 485