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Quarterly Sector Accounts, 3. quarter 2012
3 Households and NPISH. Income, expenditure and saving. Seasonally adjusted. Current prices. Million kroner
  2010 2011 11:1 11:2 11:3 11:4 12:1 12:2 12:3
Output, producers' price 415 339 438 017 107 302 108 683 110 274 111 829 113 349 113 524 114 081
- Intermediate consumption 192 100 202 718 49 455 50 187 51 146 51 964 53 340 53 338 54 035
= Gross value added 223 239 235 299 57 847 58 496 59 129 59 864 60 009 60 186 60 045
- Consumption of fixed capital 67 346 71 989 17 550 17 846 18 143 18 453 18 670 18 946 19 231
- Compensation of employees paid 47 277 49 938 12 277 12 427 12 520 12 722 12 922 12 992 13 131
- Taxes on production 3 551 3 538 871 882 888 893 884 904 905
+ Subsidies on production 17 048 17 446 4 323 4 326 4 355 4 401 4 470 4 585 4 578
= Mixed income 122 113 127 280 31 472 31 668 31 931 32 198 32 004 31 929 31 357
+ Compensation of employees 1 127 614 1 202 963 294 559 297 589 304 162 306 618 315 051 318 713 323 845
+ Property income received 90 739 91 632 21 757 22 795 23 316 23 599 23 671 23 710 23 926
Amount due to dividends 32 098 33 032 7 932 8 135 8 374 8 646 8 098 8 286 8 492
- Property income paid 87 941 97 938 23 115 23 838 24 925 26 037 26 980 27 383 27 370
+ Correction for FISIM 44 321 45 345 11 104 10 847 11 357 12 025 12 463 12 846 13 238
= Primary income 1 296 846 1 369 282 335 775 339 062 345 841 348 402 356 209 359 817 364 995
+ Pensions and benefits from general government. 345 202 366 799 90 446 90 886 92 596 92 854 95 747 95 532 97 121
+ Benefits from pension funds 41 717 44 904 11 047 11 155 11 316 11 391 11 338 11 437 11 537
+ Net current transfers to NPISH 36 528 38 769 9 481 9 613 9 789 9 893 10 016 10 059 10 194
- Current taxes on income, wealth, etc 520 577 553 481 135 503 137 228 139 641 141 255 143 871 146 317 148 469
- Contributions to pension funds 73 167 78 762 19 633 19 568 19 680 19 583 18 973 19 581 20 054
- Other current transfers paid, net 3 024 2 912 688 706 697 730 757 790 774
= Disposable income 1 123 525 1 184 599 290 925 293 214 299 524 300 972 309 709 310 158 314 549
+ Adjustment for households' pension funds 31 450 33 858 8 511 8 487 8 477 8 468 8 114 8 230 8 869
- Total consumption by households and NPISHs 1 089 953 1 131 732 278 478 283 062 283 549 286 208 291 697 292 184 295 714
= Saving, net 65 022 86 725 20 958 18 639 24 452 23 231 26 125 26 204 27 705
+ Capital transfers, net -2 377 -2 377 -599 -595 -585 -600 -593 -597 -622
- Investment in non-financial capital 49 325 73 765 16 697 18 526 19 313 19 201 18 870 19 651 22 354
= Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) 13 320 10 583 3 662 -482 4 553 3 430 6 663 5 956 4 728
Savings ratio (per cent) 5.8 7.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Savings ratio excluding dividends (per cent) 3.0 4.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Disposable income excluding dividends 1 091 427 1 151 567 282 993 285 079 291 150 292 325 301 611 301 872 306 057
Disposable real income in 2005 prices 1 005 950 1 046 919 257 151 258 094 265 388 266 314 272 407 270 768 274 881
Disposable income excl dividends in 2005 prices 976 864 1 017 679 250 133 250 927 257 962 258 657 265 285 263 534 267 459
Savings in 2005 prices, net 58 218 76 645 18 525 16 406 21 665 20 556 22 979 22 876 24 211