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Table 8. Imports by sections and divisions of the SITC. Million kroner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- December Jan - Dec Percent Sections and divisons ---------------- ---------------- 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL ........................................ 40 868 38 041 508 996 506 641 100,0 100,0 0 FOOD AND LIVE ANIMALS ........................ 2 508 2 596 31 070 32 800 6,1 6,5 00 Live animals other than animals of div.03 .... 14 14 191 180 0,0 0,0 01 Meat and meat preparations ................... 127 153 938 1 303 0,2 0,3 02 Dairy products and birds' eggs ............... 120 62 816 848 0,2 0,2 03 Fish, crustac.,molluscs and prep. thereof .... 205 190 3 695 3 625 0,7 0,7 04 Cereals and cereal preparations .............. 333 387 4 401 4 710 0,9 0,9 05 Vegetables and fruit ......................... 653 690 7 957 8 445 1,6 1,7 06 Sugars, sugar prepatations and honey ......... 106 110 1 390 1 411 0,3 0,3 07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices ................... 258 229 3 422 3 095 0,7 0,6 08 Feeding stuff for animals (not cereals) ...... 376 359 4 259 4 694 0,8 0,9 09 Miscellaneous edible products ................ 316 403 4 001 4 489 0,8 0,9 1 BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO ........................ 500 530 5 138 6 001 1,0 1,2 11 Beverages .................................... 363 320 4 096 4 334 0,8 0,9 12 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures ............. 137 210 1 041 1 667 0,2 0,3 2 CRUDE MATERIALS, INEDIBLE, EXCEPT FUELS ...... 2 477 2 409 38 905 33 039 7,6 6,5 21 Hides, skins and furskins, raw ............... 1 0 7 2 0,0 0,0 22 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits .............. 113 128 1 584 1 735 0,3 0,3 23 Crude rubber ................................. 7 7 152 138 0,0 0,0 24 Wood, lumber and cork ........................ 237 228 4 184 3 810 0,8 0,8 25 Pulp and waste paper ......................... 24 17 429 278 0,1 0,1 26 Textile fibres and their waste ............... 8 4 104 100 0,0 0,0 27 Crude fertilizers and crude minerales ........ 245 194 2 633 2 853 0,5 0,6 28 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap ........... 1 640 1 634 27 725 21 930 5,4 4,3 29 Crude animal and vegetable materials ......... 203 197 2 087 2 193 0,4 0,4 3 MINERAL FUELS, LUBRICANTS AND RELATED MAT .... 2 612 2 363 34 028 33 058 6,7 6,5 32 Coal, coke and briquettes .................... 117 177 1 910 1 929 0,4 0,4 33 Petroleum, petroleum products ................ 2 228 1 707 26 121 28 973 5,1 5,7 34 Gas , natural and manufactured ............... 41 182 916 1 079 0,2 0,2 35 Electric current ............................. 227 297 5 081 1 077 1,0 0,2 4 ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE OILS, FATS AND WAXES .... 463 333 4 417 5 270 0,9 1,0 5 CHEMICALS AND RELATED PRODUCTS, N.E.S. ....... 3 914 3 722 49 962 49 220 9,8 9,7 51 Organic chemicals ............................ 644 718 7 147 7 149 1,4 1,4 52 Inorganic chemicals .......................... 390 341 6 256 4 418 1,2 0,9 53 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials ...... 187 163 2 994 3 077 0,6 0,6 54 Medicinal and pharmaceutical products ........ 963 903 10 814 11 358 2,1 2,2 55 Essential oils and resinoids etc.............. 441 412 5 420 5 652 1,1 1,1 56 Fertilizers .................................. 238 201 2 190 2 481 0,4 0,5 57 Plastics in primary forms .................... 240 237 3 677 3 702 0,7 0,7 58 Plastics in non-primary forms ................ 267 257 4 030 4 195 0,8 0,8 59 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s. ...... 543 491 7 435 7 188 1,5 1,4 6 MANUFACTURED GOODS CLASSIFIED BY MATERIAL .... 5 323 5 281 75 198 77 533 14,8 15,3 61 Leather, leather manufactures, furskins ...... 39 28 505 572 0,1 0,1 62 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s. .................. 228 202 4 366 4 624 0,9 0,9 63 Cork and wood manufactures ................... 407 353 5 371 5 811 1,1 1,1 64 Paper, paperboard and manufact. thereof ...... 584 516 7 505 7 254 1,5 1,4 65 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles ...... 370 355 5 440 5 566 1,1 1,1 66 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s. .... 513 463 6 894 7 128 1,4 1,4 67 Iron and steel ............................... 890 1 058 13 446 13 779 2,6 2,7 68 Non-ferrous metals ........................... 664 432 11 927 9 254 2,3 1,8 69 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s. ............... 1 627 1 874 19 744 23 544 3,9 4,6 7 MACHINERY AND TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT ............ 16 958 15 331 195 097 192 859 38,3 38,1 71 Power generating machinery and equipment ..... 793 482 8 558 8 873 1,7 1,8 72 Machinery for special industries ............. 1 730 1 505 19 338 20 743 3,8 4,1 73 Metal working machinery ...................... 139 126 1 345 1 534 0,3 0,3 74 General industrial machinery and equipment ... 2 043 2 132 23 558 27 104 4,6 5,3 75 Office machines, data processing machines .... 1 657 1 652 15 839 16 200 3,1 3,2 76 Telecommunications apparatus and equipment. .. 2 171 2 092 18 380 19 147 3,6 3,8 77 Electrical machinery and apparatus ........... 2 079 2 010 23 731 24 934 4,7 4,9 78 Road vehicles ................................ 4 601 3 875 49 328 51 387 9,7 10,1 79 Other transport equipment including ships .... 1 744 1 457 35 020 22 936 6,9 4,5 8 MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURED ARTICLES .......... 5 964 5 388 73 554 75 316 14,5 14,9 81 Prefabricated buildings....................... 412 419 5 071 5 910 1,0 1,2 82 Furniture and parts thereof .................. 938 875 11 182 12 219 2,2 2,4 83 Travel goods, handbags etc. .................. 96 103 1 162 1 281 0,2 0,3 84 Articles of apparel and accessories .......... 1 014 881 16 212 15 528 3,2 3,1 85 Footwear ..................................... 188 173 4 121 3 921 0,8 0,8 87 Professional and scientific instruments ...... 901 882 9 966 10 444 2,0 2,1 88 Photographic and optical goods................ 188 186 2 293 2 255 0,5 0,4 89 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s ... 2 228 1 870 23 547 23 758 4,6 4,7 9 COMMODITIES AND TRANSACTIONS.................. 148 87 1 628 1 546 0,3 0,3 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