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Table 10. Imports by groups of the SITC. Million kroner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTS ------------------------------------------- Jan - Dec Jan - Dec 2011 2012 ------------------- ------------------- Unit Quant. Value Quant. Value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Live animals other than animals of div.03 .. .. 191 .. 180 001 Live animals other than animals in div.03 .. .. 191 .. 180 01 Meat and meat preparations ............... t 17 982 938 27 796 1 303 011 Meat of bovine animals, fresh, chilled or frozen ............................... t 10 326 541 17 687 808 012 Other meat and edible meat offal, fresh, chilled or frozen ........................ t 3 651 167 5 693 225 016 Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal .......... t 948 71 1 108 87 017 Meat and edible meat offal, prepared or preserved, n.e.s. ..................... t 3 058 159 3 308 183 02 Dairy products and birds' eggs ........... t 24 365 816 24 045 848 022 Milk and cream and milk products other than butter or cheese .................... t 9 575 173 9 082 167 023 Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk ................................ t 2 082 73 2 053 60 024 Cheese and curd .......................... t 10 905 534 11 395 582 025 Eggs ..................................... t 1 802 36 1 516 39 03 Fish (not mar. mammals), crustaceans, molluscs and prep. thereof ............... t 200 220 3 695 209 020 3 625 034 Fish, fresh (live or dead), chilled or frozen ................................... t 157 373 2 066 166 539 1 934 035 Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked .. t 805 45 1 147 57 036 Crustaceans and molluscs ................. t 15 932 544 16 563 561 037 Fish, crustanceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved, n.e.s. ........................ t 26 110 1 041 24 770 1 073 04 Cereals and cereal preparations .......... t 785 612 4 401 953 950 4 710 041 Wheat (incl. spelt) and meslin, unmilled . t 409 500 866 449 199 859 042 Rice ..................................... t 24 167 190 23 106 183 043 Barley, unmilled ......................... t 48 076 93 120 863 218 044 Maize (not incl. sweet corn), unmilled ... t 52 927 105 72 575 143 045 Cereals, unmilled (other than wheat, rice, barley, and maize) ....................... t 28 959 70 56 112 112 046 Meal and flour of wheat and flour of meslin ................................... t 2 076 13 2 415 15 047 Other cereal meals and flours ............ t 30 575 68 34 631 79 048 Cereal preparations and preparations of flour or starch of fruits or vegetables .. t 189 332 2 997 195 048 3 101 05 Vegetables and fruit ..................... t 782 497 7 957 766 635 8 445 054 Vegetables, fresh, chilled, frozen or simply preserved; roots, tubers and other edible vegetable products, n.e.s., fresh or dried ........................... t 279 744 2 212 276 377 2 325 056 Vegetables, roots and tubers, prepared or preserved, n.e.s. ..................... t 72 551 633 51 260 597 057 Fruits and nuts (not including oil nuts), fresh or dried ........................... t 339 090 3 794 344 704 4 126 058 Fruit, preserved, and fruit preparations . t 39 451 709 36 826 742 059 Fruit juices (incl. grape must) and vegetable juices, unfermented and without spirit, also incl. sugar or other sweetening matter ........................ t 51 662 609 57 468 656 06 Sugars, sugar prepatations and honey ..... t 211 670 1 390 223 461 1 411 061 Sugars, molasses and honey ............... t 192 266 830 203 534 830 062 Sugar confectionery ...................... t 19 404 560 19 927 581 07 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof ..................... t 84 950 3 422 82 434 3 095 071 Coffee and coffee substitutes ............ t 44 288 1 811 40 817 1 516 072 Cocoa .................................... t 8 370 256 8 678 208 073 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa, n.e.s. ................. t 28 580 1 110 29 103 1 115 074 Tea and mate ............................. t 1 455 114 1 585 123 075 Spices ................................... t 2 256 131 2 251 132 08 Feeding stuff of animals (not including unmilled cereals) ........................ t 721 103 4 259 782 024 4 694 081 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals) ........................ t 721 103 4 259 782 024 4 694 09 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations ............................. .. .. 4 001 .. 4 489
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