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Table 10. Imports by groups of the SITC. Million kroner
                                                                  Jan - Dec               Jan - Dec
                                                                     2011                    2012
                                                             -------------------     -------------------
                                                  Unit       Quant.       Value       Quant.       Value

714 Engines and motors, non-electric .........     ..            ..       2 346           ..       1 781
716 Rotating electr. plant and parts                                                                    
    thereof, n.e.s ...........................     ..            ..       2 309           ..       3 218
718 Other power generating machinery .........     ..            ..       1 238           ..       1 396

72  Machinery specialized for particular                                                                
    industries ...............................     ..            ..      19 338           ..      20 743
721 Agricultural machinery (excl. tractors) ..     ..            ..       2 331           ..       2 061
722 Tractors .................................     S          5 532       1 873        5 169       1 805
723 Civil engineering and contractors, plant                                                            
    and equipment ............................     ..            ..       7 393           ..       9 178
724 Textile and leather machinery ............     ..            ..         227           ..         285
725 Paper mill and pulp mill machinery .......     ..            ..         275           ..         246
726 Printing and bookbinding machinery .......     ..            ..         262           ..         239
727 Food-processing machines (incl. domestic)      ..            ..         822           ..         761
728 Other machinery for particular industries      ..            ..       6 155           ..       6 168

73  Metal working machinery ..................     ..            ..       1 345           ..       1 534
731 Machine-tools working by removing metal or                                                          
    other material ...........................     S         38 150         443       42 006         541
733 Machine-tools for working metal, sintered                                                           
    metal carbides or cermets, without                                                                  
    removing material ........................     S          4 560         194        5 608         221
735 Parts and accessories suitable for use                                                              
    principally with the machines in                                                                    
    head. 731/733 ............................     t          1 478         386        1 191         378
737 Metalworking machinery and parts thereof,                                                           
    n.e.s ....................................     ..            ..         323           ..         393

74  General industrial machinery and                                                                    
    equipment, n.e.s. ........................     ..            ..      23 558           ..      27 104
741 Heating and cooling equipment, n.e.s. ....     ..            ..       4 189           ..       4 183
742 Pumps for liquids, liquid elevators ......     ..            ..       2 167           ..       2 282
743 Pumps (other than pumps for liquids), air                                                           
    or other gas compressors and fans ........     ..            ..       3 335           ..       3 548
744 Mechanical handling equipment, n.e.s. ....     ..            ..       4 741           ..       5 721
745 Other non-electrical machinery, tools and                                                           
    mechanical apparatus, n.e.s. .............     ..            ..       2 255           ..       2 576
746 Ball and roller bearings .................     ..            ..         359           ..         407
747 Taps, cocks, valves and similar                                                                     
    appliances, for popes, boiler shells,                                                               
    tanks, vats and the like .................     t         20 929       4 385       23 826       5 812
748 Transmission shafts and cranks; bearing                                                             
    housings and plain shafts bearings; gears                                                           
    and gearing; ball screws; gear boxes, etc      ..            ..       1 181           ..       1 438
749 Non-electric parts and accessories of                                                               
    machinery n.e.s. .........................     t          6 623         946        7 875       1 137

75  Office machines and automatic data                                                                  
    processing machines ......................     ..            ..      15 839           ..      16 200
751 Office machines ..........................     S   8.8888889E14       2 661 8.8888889E14       2 609
752 Automatic data processing machines .......     S      5 846 646       9 492    6 194 472      10 465
759 Parts and accessories suitable for use                                                              
    principally with machines in groups                                                                 
    751 and 752 ..............................     t          6 016       3 686        4 865       3 126

76  Telecommunications and sound recording                                                              
    and reproducing apparatus and equipment ..     ..            ..      18 380           ..      19 147
761 Television receivers .....................     S      1 875 922       3 891    2 312 835       3 857
762 Radio-broadcast receivers ................     S        835 009         437    1 061 668         421
763 Sound recorders or reproducers; television                                                          
    image and sound recorders or reproducers;                                                           
    prepared unrecorded media ................     S        763 069         608      666 552         548
764 Telecommunications equipment, parts and                                                             
    accessories, n.e.s., of apparatus within                                                            
    div. 76 ..................................     ..            ..      13 444           ..      14 321

77  Electrical machinery, apparatus and                                                                 
    appliances, n.e.s. .......................     ..            ..      23 731           ..      24 934
771 Electric power machinery and parts thereof     ..            ..       1 919           ..       2 336
772 Electrical apparatus for switching or                                                               
    protecting electrical circuits or for                                                               
    making connections to or in electricial                                                             
    circuits .................................     t         17 670       4 874       18 615       5 388
773 Equipment for distributing electricity ...     t         58 587       3 401       58 820       3 322
774 Eectro-diagnostic apparatus for medical,                                                            
    dental or veterinary sciences ............     ..            ..       1 024           ..       1 092
775 Household type, electrical and                                                                      
    non-electrical equipment, n.e.s. .........     ..            ..       5 138           ..       5 296

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