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External merchandise trade. January 2013
1 Main figures. Mill. NOK
2012 2011 2013:01 2012:12 2012:11
1. Imports (A)   
1.1 Total (A1) 506 641 508 996 42 300 38 041 44 392
1.2 Excl. ships and oil platforms (A2)   
Unadjusted 498 779 491 529 41 931 37 826 43 707
Seasonally adjusted 498 196 492 192 42 243 41 106 41 572
2. Exports (B)   
2.1 Total (B1) 929 475 892 715 75 909 73 571 75 613
2.2 Excl. ships and oil platforms (B2)   
Unadjusted 923 803 886 602 75 469 73 068 75 399
Seasonally adjusted 922 089 888 151 71 049 70 222 72 111
2.3 Excl. crude oil, condensates, natural gas, ships   
and oil platforms (B3)   
Unadjusted 360 460 360 306 30 907 26 642 31 862
Seasonally adjusted 360 101 361 461 30 475 29 558 29 793
3. Trade balance (B-A)   
3.1 Total (B1-A1) 422 834 383 719 33 609 35 530 31 221
3.2 Excl. ships and oil platforms (B2-A2) 425 024 395 074 33 538 35 242 31 693
3.3 Excl. ships and oil platforms,
crude oil and natural gas (B3-A2)
-138 320 -131 223 -11 025 -11 184 -11 844
4. Imports and exports of important products   
4.1 Imports of ships 7 862 8 554 369 215 685
4.2 Exports of ships 5 672 6 114 440 503 213
4.3 Import surplus of ships 2 190 2 440 -71 -288 472
4.4 Imports of oil platforms - 8 914 - - -
4.5 Exports of oil platforms - - - - -
4.6 Exports of crude oil, condensates and natural gas 563 344 526 296 44 562 46 426 43 537
Crude oil 309 635 321 103 21 090 22 678 22 160
Condensates 8 555 8 277 1 207 632 570
Natural gas 245 154 196 917 22 265 23 116 20 806