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Table 20. Exports by county of production and sections of the SITC. Traditional commodities. Mill. kr.
                           January         Jan - Jan                 Distribution by the SITC
                      ---------------- -----------------  ----------------------------------------------
                                                                 Food,     Of    Crude  Mineral    Manu-
                                                            beverages,  which    mine-    fuels factured
                                                               tobacco   fish     rals             goods
County                   2012     2013     2012     2013        0,1       03      2,4       3       5-9

TOTAL ..............   29 912   30 907   29 912   30 907       4 999    4 677    1 390    7 410   17 108
01 Østfold .........    1 257    1 296    1 257    1 296          80        7      194        -    1 023
02 Akershus ........      568      519      568      519           6        -       20        -      492
03 Oslo ............      614      519      614      519          45       13       74        -      400
04 Hedmark .........      477      323      477      323           7        -       90        -      226
05 Oppland .........      494      482      494      482           1        -       28        1      452
06 Buskerud ........      862      914      862      914           1        -      139        -      774
07 Vestfold ........    2 015    2 057    2 015    2 057           4        1       56    1 268      729
08 Telemark ........    1 523    1 746    1 523    1 746           7        5       13       52    1 673
09 Aust-Agder ......      212      351      212      351          17        -       12        -      322
10 Vest-Agder ......    2 285    2 200    2 285    2 200           9        8       16        -    2 175
11 Rogaland ........    3 840    3 236    3 840    3 236         258      238      108    1 624    1 246
12 Hordaland .......    5 254    6 168    5 254    6 168         647      631      110    4 042    1 369
14 Sogn og Fjordane     1 149      831    1 149      831         308      307       26        -      498
15 Møre og Romsdal .    2 614    2 620    2 614    2 620       1 325    1 276       82        1    1 212
16 Sør-Trøndelag ...      813    1 110      813    1 110         517      514       32        -      561
17 Nord-Trøndelag ..      272      333      272      333         122      120        1        -      209
18 Nordland ........    1 477    1 429    1 477    1 429         584      583       71        -      774
19 Troms ...........      448      481      448      481         423      421        6        -       52
20 Finnmark ........      320      466      320      466         289      289      123       49        5
21 Svalbard ........        -                 -                    -        -        -        -        -
22 Jan Mayen .......        -                 -                    -        -        -        -        -
23 Contineltal Shelf                                                                                    
29 Norwegian goods                                                                                      
   produced in                                                                                          
   several counties       971      799      971      799         263      220       92      369       75
91 Produced abroad/                                                                                     
   direct transit ..    2 092    2 443    2 092    2 443          60       32       80        4    2 299
99 County of origin                                                                                     
   not knowm .......      353      583      353      583          24       13       16        1      543

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