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4 Financial corporations. Income, expenditure and saving. Million kroner
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006*
Output, producers price 61 225 67 976 70 578 73 729 88 175 101 202 110 581 115 829
Intermediate consumption 25 357 28 374 29 841 32 117 32 407 34 492 42 202 44 362
Value added, gross 35 868 39 602 40 737 41 612 55 768 66 710 68 379 71 467
Consumption of fixed capital 3 405 3 846 4 326 4 241 3 994 3 789 3 542 3 630
Compensation of employees 19 011 20 799 22 300 23 400 24 082 25 844 27 373 30 324
Taxes on production and imports 113 175 185 196 199 66 94 36
Subsidies 1 440 1 373 1 355 1 591 1 764 2 081 2 083 2 198
Operating surplus 14 779 16 155 15 281 15 366 29 257 39 092 39 453 39 675
Allocation of primary income                
Resources 130 691 151 337 176 988 170 970 158 981 138 196 152 711 192 888
Operating surplus 14 779 16 155 15 281 15 366 29 257 39 092 39 453 39 675
Property income 144 093 164 845 193 433 189 696 170 985 145 339 158 813 199 587
Interest 134 860 156 940 185 555 182 600 162 272 135 769 147 191 186 723
Dividends, etc 9 396 8 716 7 673 7 044 8 161 9 078 11 214 12 516
Reinvested earnings -163 -811 205 52 552 492 408 348
Uses 109 608 135 580 158 552 154 454 140 400 108 284 126 666 165 399
Property income 109 608 135 580 158 552 154 454 140 400 108 284 126 666 165 399
Interest 81 572 100 741 123 335 119 994 100 759 70 711 80 577 117 173
Dividends, etc 27 970 33 979 35 630 34 862 39 017 36 709 42 505 46 074
Reinvested earnings 66 860 -413 -402 624 864 3 584 2 152
Financial intermediation serv. indirectly measured -28 181 -29 663 -31 726 -34 092 -41 261 -46 235 -45 555 -46 374
Balance of primary income 21 083 15 757 18 436 16 516 18 581 29 912 26 045 27 489
Secondary distribution of income                
Resources 67 613 68 062 75 934 82 216 86 338 101 653 94 918 102 041
Balance of primary income 21 083 15 757 18 436 16 516 18 581 29 912 26 045 27 489
Net non-life insurance premiums 21 293 23 211 26 137 25 619 27 279 26 704 28 307 26 518
Imputed and private funded social contributions 20 948 23 527 29 755 37 106 35 159 37 376 38 313 44 658
Other current transfers 4 289 5 567 1 606 2 975 5 319 7 661 2 253 3 376
Uses 47 470 64 056 63 519 55 108 57 964 60 932 58 877 64 076
Current taxes on income and wealth 3 773 6 820 4 399 4 850 2 480 5 513 4 208 5 661
Non-life insurance claims 21 293 23 211 26 137 25 619 27 279 26 704 28 307 26 518
Unfunded and private funded social benefits 14 168 16 799 17 486 17 680 19 883 21 040 22 349 23 607
Other current transfers 8 236 17 226 15 497 6 959 8 322 7 675 4 013 8 290
Disposal income 20 143 4 006 12 415 27 108 28 374 40 721 36 041 37 965
Use of disposable income                
Disposal income 20 143 4 006 12 415 27 108 28 374 40 721 36 041 37 965
Adjustment, households pension funds 6 780 6 728 12 269 19 426 15 276 16 336 15 398 21 071
Saving 13 363 -2 722 146 7 682 13 098 24 385 20 643 16 894
Capital account                
Saving 13 363 -2 722 146 7 682 13 098 24 385 20 643 16 894
Capital transfers, net -2 74 - -14 448 - - -
Net aqcuisiton of non-financial assets 3 907 2 072 3 395 1 185 -1 353 2 616 238 468
Gross fixed capital formation 7 312 5 918 7 721 5 426 2 641 6 405 3 780 4 098
Consumption of fixed capital 3 405 3 846 4 326 4 241 3 994 3 789 3 542 3 630
Net aqcuisitions of non-produced non-financial assets - - - - - - - -
Net lending 9 454 -4 720 -3 249 6 483 14 899 21 769 20 405 16 426